Aerocare, Australia’s leading airport ground handler has today launched its new market-leading cloud based resource optimisation system, AROS.

Developed by Australian company Biarri based on Aerocare’s specific rostering principles, AROS will rapidly produce optimised rosters and expertly match shifts and skill sets with work demands.

Biarri’s CEO Tom Forbes said “It is exciting when we come across genuinely innovative companies that challenge the status quo by revolutionising their planning and operations through the application of commercial mathematics. The Aerocare team are truly visionary in their approach and through our partnership we’ve been able to deliver AROS– a real, innovative solution that will bolster Aerocare’s operations through the use of modern web applications and optimisation.”

Aerocare Chief Executive Officer Glenn Rutherford said: “Aerocare has a track record of developing game-changing software and we are confident that AROS is the best resourcing solution in the industry.”

Mr Rutherford said Aerocare had assessed numerous software solutions over the past 15 years and none had come close to exceeding the company’s existing rostering system.

“We opted to engage Biarri, a team of software developers and mathematicians, to create AROS from the ground up, adding greater speed and rigour to our existing rostering processes,” Mr Rutherford said.

“AROS will enable us to spend significantly less time producing more effective rosters which will ensure shifts are well aligned with requirements, even as flight schedules change.

“The system has a live link with airline schedules so we will be automatically advised when rosters need adjusting due to schedule changes.

“AROS will help us better ensure we have the appropriate team in terms of numbers, experience and skillset to meet our clients’ requirements for performance and efficiency.

“Our staff will now be even better supported to exceed performance expectations, and we will ensure efficiency and service is maximised, which is all critical to securing the future of our business in a highly competitive market,” Mr Rutherford said.

What is AROS?

Aerocare Resource Optimisation System (AROS) is a custom-built cloud based solution for optimising rosters, ensuring the most effective alignment between Aerocare’s people and work demands in terms of flights and passengers.

AROS has a live link with airline schedules so Aerocare will be automatically advised when rosters need re-optimising due to schedule changes.

AROS also links with Aerocare’s enterprise software AeroNet, enabling shift assignment to people and ensuring seamless connection with performance and other business reporting.

What are the results?

AROS very quickly works out the best possible scenarios considering safety, efficiency and service and drastically reduces the time taken to produce a roster.

For example, a roster that might have taken an airport manager two days to generate can now be produced, fully optimised, in less than 10 minutes, allowing managers more time to focus on the needs of customers and staff.

Next steps

Initial implementation is underway and AROS will be rolled out to the full Aerocare network at 35 airports over the coming months.

The next stage of development will focus on the system adapting to and supporting the day of operations, adjusting shift times and advising of potential issues in real time.

About Biarri

Biarri is an Australian based company that delivers mathematical optimisation and analytics capability through web-based applications around the world to help businesses deliver significant savings and better utilise their resources. With clients across many industries in Aviation, Rail, Transport and Logistics, Data Analytics and Energy, Mining and Infrastructure, Biarri ensures businesses spend less time worrying about IT and instead focus on making smart decisions quickly and easily.

About Aerocare

Aerocare is the largest ground handler within the Australian and New Zealand region, with 3,000 team members currently servicing 3,200 flights per week and 41,200 passengers per day.


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