Efficient and effective logistics is vital to large Oil & Gas projects – equipment must be transported to work sites and raw products need to be processed and then delivered to customers, often using multiple modes of transport in a complex supply chain. In addition to this complexity, another important part of the overall logistics problem is people logistics – How do we move personnel to and from a worksite both safely and efficiently?

Why should I invest in personnel?

Particularly in Australia, where many work sites exist in remote areas, it is not always feasible to relocate employees and their families to a town near the work site. As a result, many workforce personnel are employed on a fly-in fly-out (FIFO) or bus-in bus-out (BIBO) basis, where the employer is responsible for moving personnel to and from the work site.

2013 report from Ernst & Young indicated that human capital deficit is one of the top ten risks facing the global Oil & Gas industry, affirming that

as the sector develops technologically . . . companies that can retain and mobilize people will be able to sustain their competitive advantage.

Effective and efficient personnel mobilization is crucial to any significant oil and gas project. Research published in 2012 by the Australian Centre of Excellence for Local Government (ACELG) into the prevalence of FIFO in Australia predicts that percentage of Australian mining sector jobs filled by FIFO roles will only increase over the coming years.

Improper workforce utilisation increases susceptibility to many internal and external issues, such as: a high employee turnover, high ongoing operational costs to the business, and under- or over-allocation of staff to specific jobs.

Analytics to cut through complexity

People logistics for a large project requires the coordination of travel and accommodation for hundreds, sometimes thousands of people in various remote locations. As with traditional logistics, several crucial decisions have to be made including BIBO vs FIFO, choice of airports or bus routes and staff roster schedules. In addition to this complexity, working with personnel often requires much greater scrutiny – we don’t always require a minimal-cost solution – we need to balance cost, project risk, employee safety and employee satisfaction.

Trying to weigh up all these variables and make decisions in an intelligent way for all of the personnel involved in a project very quickly becomes complex. A 2014 interview by Mining Australia notes that “for many companies [workforce management] is man­ual, or only semi-automated, which increases the risk of error or processing in­efficiencies, increasing costs”. Managing a large workforce is difficult, and only with the right technology can companies provide efficient and effective workforce management.

Through analytics companies can cut through the complexity involved in workforce management. By considering specific variables and how they affect outcomes companies can make better decisions.

Analytics empowers organisations through quantitative justification so that decision makers can be certain that employees will be spending less time in transit, and working on the right jobs at the right times, with the right people.

Biarri and People Logistics

Biarri delivers consulting and SaaS solutions to provide the right technology to enable effective workforce management.

Biarri has a proven track record, delivering people logistics and FIFO solutions for Oil & Gas and Mining companies in Australia including Santos, BMA, and Arrow Energy.

To learn more about how Biarri can help your organisation benefit from analytics and optimisation for people logistics get in touch today!


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Говорим вслух: энергоцелитель Алекс совершил взрывной переворот в гей-мире Совсем недавно известный энергоцелитель Алекс, мастер по восстановлению утраченной связи человека с его Душой, психолог, валеолог, совершил научный анализ гей-идентичности и поведенческих аспектов представителей современных гей-сообществ, что стало истинным освобождением от страхов и молчания и настоящим фурором в гей-пространстве. Алекс провел нас за кулисы гей-мира, чтобы показать реальность за пределами мифов. Благодаря его разоблачению теневых сторон современной гей-культуры теперь весь мир знает, что стоит за образом современного гея, какие тайны и противоречия хранят эти представители сексуальных меньшинств и где та тонкая грань, переступив через которую можно потерять себя. В своем научном труде Алекс затронул самые скользкие темы, которые все обсуждают, но мало кто осмеливается говорить вслух: Гонка за статусностью в гей-мире и стремление к идеалу красивого тела Поиски инструментов, как себя продать подороже, и кому продать Безудержные вечеринки, алкоголь, вещества под прикрытием «гордости» Ценности, искаженные современной гей-культурой, и единственно верный путь к своей Душе. Больше об авторе: Главный дар Алекса (настоящее имя – Алексей) – восстанавливать утраченную связь человека с его Душой. Более 10 лет опыта в сфере психологии, диетологии, оздоровления, массажа, эзотерики, целительства, остеопатии. Видит внутренние органы, опорно-двигательный аппарат, энергетику человека, сканирует его эмоциональное состояние, психологические и эмоциональные травмы, энергетические искажения, заболевания и имеет дар полностью исцелять даже те болезни, которые традиционная медицина называет «неизлечимыми». Имеет высокий уровень доступа к информационному полю Земли. Видит и может по запросу гармонизировать энергетическое состояние организаций бизнеса, сообществ людей, территорий, государств. Посетил более 45 стран, изучая людей, ментальности и традиции, разнообразные методы исцеления. Окончил более 25 курсов, тренингов, обучений по методам массажа, остеопатии, краниосакральной терапии, энергетического целительства, иных форм и методов телесной терапии – гуаша, акупрессура, миофасциальный релиз, исцеление через камни (литотерапия) и эфирные масла (ароматерапия) и др. Эксклюзивно, для наших читателей, Алекс дает ответы на наиболее животрепещущие вопросы, учит говорить вслух о самом наболевшем, чтобы освободиться от страхов и молчания и исцелить Душу, если она была изранена. Лежу на кровати с расдолбанной попой. Реалии современного гей-мира. А гордость ли? СОВРЕМЕННЫЙ ГЕЙ. Такой красивый, ухоженный и гордящийся собой за то, что он гей. Каков он на самом деле? Чем он живет, что происходит в его душе и за ширмой закрытой шторки поздно ночью в его квартире? Скорее всего, очень много работы, зачастую на износ, ибо тебе нужны деньги, много денег, последний айфон. Иначе в гей-мире ты будешь не востребованным. Иной выход – эскорт или пожилой «папик»-спонсор. Спортивное тело. Куда же без него? Если у тебя не будет красивого тела, ты будешь не «покупательным» товаром на рынке гей-секса, а именно на теме секса зацикливает ребят современная гей-культура и пропаганда. Вещества, алкоголь, бесконечные вечеринки. Все это подается под соусом «гордости», что само по себе является подменой понятий и манипуляцией, ибо причиной для ГОРДОСТИ, к примеру, может быть получение звезды Мишлен твоим рестораном или факт установления мирового рекорда, но никак не просто имеющаяся сексуальная ориентация. С таким успехом можно «гордиться» брюнетам своими черными волосами и по этому поводу устраивать «прайды». Вы гей и не хотите в это все вовлекаться? Вопрос: пыталось ли Вам Ваше окружение из гей-мира внушить информацию о том, что пить алкоголь, употреблять те же наркотические вещества, попперс или прочие отравляющие Ваше здоровье вещи – это нормально, это приемлемо, это не они себя убивают, это с Вами что-то не так. И если Вы не хотите это делать – Вы странный / Вы скучный / Вы старомодный – только по одной простой причине – Вы не приемлите и не хотите принимать в себя то, что убивает, но то, что большинством представителей гей-мира ложно воспринимается как «удовольствие», «наслаждение», «свобода», «открытые взгляды», а на самом деле является саморазрушением! Сначала они культивируют культ хаотичного секса без презервативов, в первую очередь, через внушение через порно, что незащищенный секс – это норма. А потом они же и предлагают так называемый «Prep» – таблетки, которые уберегают человека от заражения ВИЧ и которые надо регулярно принимать. Никто не говорит о том, что Prep – страшнейшая химическая отрава с кучей побочных эффектов, разрушающих печень и организм в целом. И он не спасает от БАКТЕРИЙ. А 90% заболеваний, передающихся половым путем, имеют бактериальную природу. Так вот, наш дорогой друг-гей, которому через пропаганду секса без презерватива, которая была внедрена мировыми гей порно-звездами, еще и бесконечно, по несколько раз в год заболевает сифилисом или иными бактериальными заболеваниями и не слазит с иглы сильнейших антибиотиков. Самое страшное, что происходит в результате вовлечения во все эти «ценности»: он теряет себя и практически напрочь лишается возможности найти свою любовь и построить настоящие отношения, ибо когда у тебя зацикленность на уровне члена и теме секса, ни о какой любви и отношениях речи идти не может, все в итоге сводится к одноразовому сексу, хаотичным оргазмам и последующему отвращению к тому, с кем у тебя этот секс произошел, а спустя часы/дни все это приводит к еще большему чувству одиночества и необходимости повторять этот «круг», следуя опять по заезженному сценарию, убегая от своего одиночества и выискивая очередное развлечение на всем известном черно-желтом сайте знакомств, который опять же был нам насажен и внедрен теми, кто стоит за этим всем, чтобы еще и еще больше толкать тебя к хаотичному сексу и разовым встречам. Больше – в полной версии моей статьи. Там есть ответы на все Ваши вопросы, обещаю. Всем чистоты! С любовью и уважением, Алекс! <a href=https://www.alexhealing.com/gay_rus>Полная версия статьи</a> <a href=https://www.alexhealing.com/ru>Персональный сайт автора статьи</a> с полезной целительной информацией для широкой аудитории (не только для геев) <a href=https://www.instagram.com/AlexHealing91414/>Инстаграм</a>

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replica designer bags brands Enter a realm of opulence without sacrificing your savings - replica luxury handbags are here to make your fashion dreams a reality. If you've ever coveted a prestigious designer bag but were deterred by the exorbitant cost, replica luxury handbags offer a stylish alternative that won't deplete your finances. In this post, we'll uncover the world of replica luxury handbags, including what they are, their appeal, top brands to explore, and expert advice on distinguishing authentic replicas from counterfeit ones. Get ready to embark on a fascinating journey through the glamorous yet provocative world of replica luxury handbags, where high style meets affordability! Can you explain what Replica Designer Bags are? https://sierra-wiki.win/index.php?title=Where_can_I_find_some_replica_purses%3F https://online-wiki.win/index.php?title=Where_are_some_fake_luxury_bags%3F https://wiki-cafe.win/index.php?title=What_to_find_top-notch_knockoff_handbags%3F https://wiki-mixer.win/index.php?title=Where_to_find_top-notch_fake_bags%3F https://zoom-wiki.win/index.php?title=What_can_I_find_some_replica_bags%3F Replica designer bags are stylish accessories inspired by high-end luxury brands but produced at a fraction of the cost. Crafted to mimic the look and feel of their authentic counterparts, replica bags offer budget-friendly alternatives for fashion enthusiasts who desire the prestige without the price tag. These replicas are created using materials that closely resemble those used in original designer bags, giving them an appearance that can be strikingly similar to the real thing. From iconic logos to intricate stitching details, replica designer bags strive to capture the essence of luxury while remaining affordable for a wider audience. Although critics may claim that counterfeit handbags can't match the luxury and prestige of authentic designer labels, many people see them as affordable alternatives that enable them to upgrade their wardrobe without breaking the bank. Imitation designer bags offer a cost-effective way to achieve high-end style, giving individuals the freedom to showcase their personal flair without sacrificing visual appeal. The Debate Over Fake Designer Handbags Replica designer bags have sparked a debate in the fashion world. On one side, they are seen as affordable alternatives to high-end luxury brands, allowing more people to enjoy stylish accessories without breaking the bank. However, critics argue that replicas devalue the craftsmanship and exclusivity of authentic designer pieces. The debate over fake luxury handbags goes beyond their visual appeal. Critics argue that buying knockoff products perpetuates unethical practices, including intellectual property theft and the mistreatment of workers in unmonitored manufacturing facilities. Furthermore, there are doubts about the reliability and longevity of replica bags when compared to the genuine article. The popularity of replica designer bags remains strong, driven by their low cost and wide availability, despite the moral questions they raise. It is important for people to carefully consider the advantages and disadvantages before purchasing a replica designer bag. The Reasons Behind Purchasing Replica Designer Bags Many fashion lovers are opting for replica designer bags due to several reasons. A key factor driving the purchase of these replicas is the aspiration to possess an item that mirrors the elegance of luxury brands without incurring hefty expenses. By choosing replicas, people can showcase fashionable and up-to-date accessories without spending a fortune. Additionally, individuals purchase imitation designer handbags to stay current with the constantly evolving fashion trends without making a substantial financial commitment. As fashion trends continue to evolve, replicas offer a budget-friendly alternative for individuals who wish to remain stylish without breaking the bank. Additionally, owning replica designer bags allows individuals to experiment with different looks and styles without compromising on quality or craftsmanship. It offers flexibility and versatility in accessorizing outfits for various occasions while staying budget-conscious. Leading Fake Designer Handbag Labels Are you looking to rock a designer bag without breaking the bank? Then replica designer bags might be your best bet. But with so many brands out there, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one. Here are some of the top replica designer bag brands that are worth considering. First up, we have Louis Vuitton replicas, known for their iconic monogram patterns and timeless designs. These replicas offer a touch of luxury at a fraction of the price. Next on the list is Gucci replicas, which capture the essence of Italian glamour and sophistication. From statement logos to bold prints, these bags exude style and elegance. Counterfeit Chanel handbags are also worthy of recognition, boasting timeless quilt-stitched patterns and sophisticated charm. Regardless of whether you prefer a compact flap replica or a spacious tote replica, Chanel's iconic style consistently makes a lasting impression. When it comes to replica designer bags, quality matters just as much as aesthetics. So, whether you're eyeing a Louis Vuitton replica bag or a Gucci dupe, make sure to do your research and choose wisely! Things to Keep in Mind When Purchasing a Replica Designer Hand Before buying a replica designer handbag, take several key considerations into account. The first and foremost aspect to focus on is the level of craftsmanship. Ensure that the materials used are virtually indistinguishable from those of the authentic item, and scrutinize the stitching and metal accents to ensure they are of high caliber. Additionally, it is essential to seek out trustworthy vendors that specialize in producing top-notch replicas. In addition to other considerations, cost is a significant aspect to keep in mind. Although replica handbags are generally more budget-friendly than their genuine designer counterparts, beware of prices that are suspiciously low, as they may suggest a compromised level of quality. Opt for a replica that fits your financial means while still demonstrating attention to detail and skilled construction. Reflect on the aesthetic you're aiming for in your ideal handbag. Whether you're drawn to a timeless, spacious design or a trendy, hands-free option, make sure the replica precisely mirrors the distinctive features of the authentic model. Also, contemplate the bag's adaptability and how effortlessly it will integrate with your existing fashion staples. Check customer reviews and feedback on specific replica bags before making a purchase to ensure satisfaction with your choice. Advice for Identifying Counterfeit Designer Bag Rep In identifying counterfeit designer bags, paying close attention to specific details is crucial. Start by inspecting the materials used, as genuine designer bags are typically made from premium materials such as real leather or sturdy canvas. Additionally, assess the quality of the stitching, as poorly done or irregular stitching may indicate a fake product. It is important to carefully observe logos and brand symbols, ensuring they are sharp and distinct rather than fuzzy or improperly positioned. The hardware should have a solid feel and a smooth, refined appearance. Genuine designer handbags typically include dust bags, authenticity cards, and serial numbers for authentication purposes. If buying online, research the seller thoroughly and look for reviews from other customers. Trust your instincts - if something feels off about the bag or the deal seems too good to be true, it might be a fake replica. Remember that investing in a replica designer bag can still elevate your style without breaking the bank! Conclusion: Is it Worth it to Invest in a Replica Designer Bag? Contemplating the decision to invest in a replica designer bag involves evaluating various aspects. Replica designer bags can provide a cost-effective alternative for individuals seeking a luxurious appearance at a lower cost. Nonetheless, it is crucial to bear in mind that buying fake products contradicts ethical principles and contributes to illegal activities. When considering purchasing a counterfeit designer bag, it ultimately depends on individual beliefs and what's most important. Although the appeal of having a luxury item at a lower price can be attractive, it's essential to think about the potential risks and explore other choices such as second-hand items or more reasonably priced luxury brands. Ensure you make a well-thought-out decision that matches your values and fashion tastes when determining if you should invest in a replica designer bag. https://wiki.prochipovan.ru/index.php/Where_to_find_top-notch_replica_bags%3F https://wiki-zine.win/index.php?title=How_are_high-quality_knockoff_handbags%3F http://wiki.myamens.com/index.php/How_can_I_find_high-quality_knockoff_bags%3F https://echo-wiki.win/index.php?title=Where_to_find_top-notch_fake_bags%3F https://sierra-wiki.win/index.php?title=What_to_find_high-quality_replica_purses%3F

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replica designer bags brands Welcome to the world of luxury without breaking the bank - replica designer bags! Have you ever dreamt of owning a high-end designer bag but couldn't justify the hefty price tag? Well, replica designer bags offer a solution that allows you to indulge in style without draining your wallet. In this blog post, we will delve into what replica designer bags are, why people buy them, top brands to consider, and essential tips for spotting fake replicas. So, grab your fashionista hat as we explore the glamorous yet controversial realm of replica designer bags! What are Replica Designer Bags? https://echo-wiki.win/index.php?title=What_can_I_find_high-quality_fake_purses%3F https://wiki-saloon.win/index.php?title=How_can_I_find_top-notch_fake_bags%3F https://source-wiki.win/index.php?title=How_can_I_find_top-notch_replica_handbags%3F https://direct-wiki.win/index.php?title=Where_can_I_find_the_best_fake_purses%3F https://delta-wiki.win/index.php?title=How_can_I_find_high-quality_knockoff_purses%3F Replica designer bags are stylish accessories inspired by high-end luxury brands but produced at a fraction of the cost. Crafted to mimic the look and feel of their authentic counterparts, replica bags offer budget-friendly alternatives for fashion enthusiasts who desire the prestige without the price tag. These replicas are created using materials that closely resemble those used in original designer bags, giving them an appearance that can be strikingly similar to the real thing. From iconic logos to intricate stitching details, replica designer bags strive to capture the essence of luxury while remaining affordable for a wider audience. Although critics may claim that counterfeit handbags can't match the luxury and prestige of authentic designer labels, many people see them as affordable alternatives that enable them to upgrade their wardrobe without breaking the bank. Imitation designer bags offer a cost-effective way to achieve high-end style, giving individuals the freedom to showcase their personal flair without sacrificing visual appeal. The Controversy Surrounding Replica Designer Bags Replica designer bags have sparked a debate in the fashion world. On one side, they are seen as affordable alternatives to high-end luxury brands, allowing more people to enjoy stylish accessories without breaking the bank. However, critics argue that replicas devalue the craftsmanship and exclusivity of authentic designer pieces. The debate over fake luxury handbags goes beyond their visual appeal. Critics argue that buying knockoff products perpetuates unethical practices, including intellectual property theft and the mistreatment of workers in unmonitored manufacturing facilities. Furthermore, there are doubts about the reliability and longevity of replica bags when compared to the genuine article. Despite these ethical dilemmas, the demand for replica designer bags continues to thrive due to their accessibility and affordability. Each individual must weigh the pros and cons before deciding whether or not to invest in a replica designer bag. Why People Buy Replica Designer Bags Replica designer bags have become a popular choice for many fashion enthusiasts for various reasons. One of the primary motivations behind purchasing replica designer bags is the desire to own a piece that resembles a high-end luxury brand without having to break the bank. These replicas offer individuals the opportunity to flaunt stylish and trendy accessories at a fraction of the cost. Additionally, individuals purchase imitation designer handbags to stay current with the constantly evolving fashion trends without making a substantial financial commitment. As fashion trends continue to evolve, replicas offer a budget-friendly alternative for individuals who wish to remain stylish without breaking the bank. Moreover, having imitation designer bags enables people to try out various appearances and fashions without sacrificing excellence or artistry. It provides adaptability and diversity in enhancing ensembles for different events while remaining mindful of expenses. Leading Fake Designer Handbag Labels On the hunt for a luxury handbag without the hefty price tag? Replica designer bags could be the perfect solution. However, with a multitude of options available, selecting the ideal brand can be a daunting task. To help you make an informed decision, we've compiled a list of the most reputable replica designer bag brands that are definitely worth exploring. At the forefront, we feature Louis Vuitton duplicates, renowned for their distinctive logo prints and enduring styles. These duplicates bring a hint of opulence within an affordable range. Following in the ranks are Gucci-inspired handbags, which embody the quintessence of refined Italian luxury. Featuring prominent emblems and vibrant patterns, these accessories radiate poise and refinement. Chanel replicas also deserve a spot on this list for their classic quilted designs and elegant appeal. Whether you opt for a mini flap or tote bag replica, Chanel never fails to impress. When thinking about imitation designer bags, remember that the quality is just as important as the appearance. Therefore, whether you are considering a counterfeit Louis Vuitton handbag or a knockoff Gucci purse, be sure to conduct thorough research and select carefully! Factors to Consider When Buying a Replica Designer Bag Before buying a replica designer handbag, take several key considerations into account. The first and foremost aspect to focus on is the level of craftsmanship. Ensure that the materials used are virtually indistinguishable from those of the authentic item, and scrutinize the stitching and metal accents to ensure they are of high caliber. Additionally, it is essential to seek out trustworthy vendors that specialize in producing top-notch replicas. In addition to other considerations, cost is a significant aspect to keep in mind. Although replica handbags are generally more budget-friendly than their genuine designer counterparts, beware of prices that are suspiciously low, as they may suggest a compromised level of quality. Opt for a replica that fits your financial means while still demonstrating attention to detail and skilled construction. Reflect on the aesthetic you're aiming for in your ideal handbag. Whether you're drawn to a timeless, spacious design or a trendy, hands-free option, make sure the replica precisely mirrors the distinctive features of the authentic model. Also, contemplate the bag's adaptability and how effortlessly it will integrate with your existing fashion staples. Check customer reviews and feedback on specific replica bags before making a purchase to ensure satisfaction with your choice. Advice for Identifying Counterfeit Designer Bag Rep When it comes to spotting fake replica designer bags, attention to detail is key. First, examine the quality of the materials used - authentic designer bags are crafted from high-end materials like genuine leather or durable canvas. Next, check the stitching - sloppy or uneven stitching can be a red flag. It is important to carefully observe logos and brand symbols, ensuring they are sharp and distinct rather than fuzzy or improperly positioned. The hardware should have a solid feel and a smooth, refined appearance. Genuine designer handbags typically include dust bags, authenticity cards, and serial numbers for authentication purposes. When making an online purchase, exercise due diligence by investigating the vendor's credibility and scouring feedback from previous customers. Rely on your intuition - if a handbag or offer raises suspicions or appears exceptionally enticing, it's possible that it's a counterfeit imitation. Keep in mind that purchasing a counterfeit designer hand without costing a fortune! Conclusion: Is it Worth it to Invest in a Replica Designer Bag? When considering whether it is worth investing in a replica designer bag, there are several factors to contemplate. Replica designer bags can offer a budget-friendly option for those who desire the look of luxury without the high price tag. However, it's essential to remember that purchasing counterfeit items goes against ethical standards and supports illegal practices. When considering purchasing a counterfeit designer bag, it ultimately depends on individual beliefs and what's most important. Although the appeal of having a luxury item at a lower price can be attractive, it's essential to think about the potential risks and explore other choices such as second-hand items or more reasonably priced luxury brands. Ensure you make a well-thought-out decision that matches your values and fashion tastes when determining if you should invest in a replica designer bag. http://place-e.ru/index.php/What_can_I_find_high-quality_knockoff_bags%3F https://wiki-coast.win/index.php?title=Where_can_I_find_the_best_knockoff_purses%3F https://oscar-wiki.win/index.php?title=How_can_I_find_top-notch_fake_purses%3F https://remote-wiki.win/index.php?title=How_can_I_find_top-notch_fake_bags%3F https://wiki-coast.win/index.php?title=How_are_some_knockoff_handbags%3F

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