Time is money in the drilling business. With the cost of drilling conventional and unconventional gas wells rising into the millions of dollars, reducing downtime and expediting setup time are critical to all stakeholders.

Biarri recently worked with the Australian division of Savanna Energy – a subsidiary of the Savanna Group, a premiere North American energy services provider headquartered in Calgary, Alberta. Savanna Energy came in contact with Biarri through a referral from an existing client who recognised that Biarri offered a range of capabilities that could help solve Savanna’s unique supply chain and logistics problem.

Biarri built a cloud based Transport Request Tool that facilitates the movement of equipment and resources required by oil and gas well sites.The tool deals with Savanna’s challenge of maintaining satisfaction with the various Coal Seam Gas (CSG) proponents by effectively, and efficiently managing their communication.

Biarri and Savanna Energy - Audit Log

Tzara Ayton, Biarri Project Manager and Core Developer explained,

“The initial goal of the project was to develop a tool that would take Savanna’s existing fleet requirements and find the best way to automate the allocation process. However, it was quickly discovered that Savanna required a modern, operational tool that would make their day to day operations easier, and act as a platform to collect clean data so that Biarri could build an optimisation solution. As it turns out, Biarri was suited for this problem as we have strong capabilities in not only smart strategic systems, but intuitive and powerful operational tools.”

Stephen Baily, Transport Manager at Savanna Energy said,

“Biarri built an efficient system for the computerized booking of transport movements for Savanna Energy. The software delivered to us is an extremely workable, efficient and user-friendly product.

The new approach has allowed us to reduce man hours and gives us a quicker turn around on job tasks. It also allows us to track our vehicles and kilometres travelled at the click of a mouse.”


“We wanted to ensure that the implementation of a new Transport Request Tool added greater visibility, improved coordination between field services and supply, enhanced responsiveness and added rigour to standard operating procedures”

said Ash Guy, Design Lead and Core Developer.

Savanna had a clear focus on ensuring the Transport Request Tool was customised to their particular requirements and met stringent use criteria. It was important that any changes to systems or processes were accepted by Savanna staff. As result, all of the new interfaces were collaboratively designed to be consistent with formats that Savanna Planners were already familiar with.

Savanna’s old excel spreadsheets were replaced by an interactive gantt chart which displays truck assignments, and their designated driver. This process happens in real time. The visibility has been enhanced allowing the Senior Pusher to see across his entire fleet, identify what has been assigned and what hasn’t. It also feeds back validation information helping to prevent assignment of the same driver to two vehicles at the same time, overlapping jobs on the same vehicle and vehicle assignments going outside of the requested time bounds.

The new Transport Request Tool allows Savanna to track any changes made to each individual transport request. This is particularly relevant when last minute changes require hiring extra trucks to satisfy urgent demand. The improved level of granularity delivered within the tool means that Savanna can identify where last minute changes were made and charge an appropriate service premium.

Management also benefit from the improved visibility. It gives them a ‘birds-eye-view’ of what is going on everywhere within the supply chain. Risk is also better managed through an audit log which allows traceability across any changes that have been made with each request. This was a significant enhancement for Savanna who can now better track what was ordered when and determine the specific costs arising from last minute changes to the plan.

Biarri and Savanna Energy

Tom Forbes Chief Executive Officer at Biarri stated,

“Having a tool that facilitates accurate and consistent communication across all key logistical stakeholders is key in any business situation. Not only does the tool provide direct benefits to Savanna but it also produces clean, reliable data, so that we can find even more cost and efficiency savings within their business processes through value added optimisation.”

Savanna Energy now has access to files via the cloud ensuring far greater communication. The Transport Request Tool forms the core of the scheduling process and is a central resource across the organisation catering for all key stakeholders.

Stephen Baily said,

“My colleague and I worked closely with the Biarri team and they were able to tailor the tool to meet our specific requirements. They also allowed us to easily troubleshoot any obstacles that were presented. In all, a very professional and well-engineered product.”

If you wanted to find out more about how Biarri can help across your oil and gas operations, or how we can deliver savings across your entire oil and gas projectget in touch today! 


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Long-lost copy of the US Constitution, found in North Carolina filing cabinet, heads to auction <a href=https://kraken2krn.net>kra10.cc</a> Historical document appraiser and collector Seth Kaller spreads a broad sheet of paper across a desk. It’s in good enough condition that he can handle it, carefully, with clean, bare hands. There are just a few creases and tiny discolorations, even though it’s just a few weeks shy of 237 years old and has spent who knows how long inside a filing cabinet in North Carolina. At the top of the first page are familiar words but in regular type instead of the sweeping Gothic script we’re used to seeing: “WE, the People …” And the people will get a chance to bid for this copy of the US Constitution — the only of its type thought to be in private hands — at a sale by Brunk Auctions on Sept. 28 in Asheville, North Carolina. https://kraken22-at.com kra4.gl The minimum bid for the auction of $1 million has already been made. There is no minimum price that must be reached. This copy was printed after the Constitutional Convention finished drafting the proposed framework of the nation’s government in 1787 and sent it to the Congress of the ineffective first American government under the Articles of Confederation, requesting they send it to the states to be ratified by the people. It’s one of about 100 copies printed by the secretary of that Congress, Charles Thomson. Just eight are known to still exist and the other seven are publicly owned.

Meet the artist transforming tennis balls into furniture <a href=https://blackspruta.com>блэк спрут официальный сайт</a> In the last two years, tennis has taken over our closets (court-appropriate garb can be found everywhere from Skims to Miu Miu), our screens (who could forget Zendaya’s turn as the tennis protoge-turned-elite-coach Tashi Duncan in “Challengers”) and now — our living rooms. At least that is the hope of Belgian eco-designer Mathilde Wittock, who fashions bespoke furniture from discarded tennis balls. Wittock’s sleek, modernist chaise longues are entirely cushionless — save for the padding of 500 precisely arranged tennis balls. Her one meter-long benches are similarly sparse, with some 270 balls being both stylish and structurally substantial. https://bs2siteat.net спрут зеркало “It takes around 24 different manufacturing steps to (make) a tennis ball, which is around five days. Then it has such a short lifespan,” Wittock told CNN in a video call from Brussels. “I was looking into tennis balls because I played tennis myself, so I know there is a lot of waste.” Around 300 million tennis balls are produced each year — and almost all of them end up in landfills, taking over 400 years to decompose. The US Open, which ended at the weekend, goes through around 70,000 each year, with Wimbledon not far behind at 55,000. Wittock estimates the lifecycle of a ball stands at just nine games, depending on the level of tennis being played. “Even if they are contained in their box, if the box has been opened the gas inside the tennis balls will be released over time,” she said. “(Eventually) they will get flat and you’ll have to throw them away.”

Actress Gemma Arterton says director tried to pressure her to do sex scene <a href=https://kra7.vip>kra4 cc</a> British actress Gemma Arterton has revealed that a director once tried to put pressure on her to film a sex scene, despite the fact that it wasn’t included in the script. In an interview with British publication the Radio Times, released Tuesday, Arterton said that, whilst on set, the director - who hasn’t been named - instructed her and her co-star to film a sex scene on a bed. “I said, ‘No, this scene was written for us to be off screen, so you just hear the noises,’” Arterton told the Radio Times. “I’d never have accepted the role if it was going to be filmed.” https://kra12gl.com kra11.cc The actress said that she was pressured by the director to film the scene, but that she “flat out” refused to take part in it. Had she been younger at the time, Arterton suggested that she might have been more concerned about being fired for refusing to film it. “I only felt like I could say that because I was older,” she said. “When I started acting, there was a lot of nudity – you were just expected to do it. When I was younger I played sexy characters, the girlfriend. As I’ve got older, that’s changed because I’m more successful and can choose the parts I want to play,” she said. She praised the use of intimacy coordinators in film and television since the #MeToo movement, telling the magazine that “it’s a totally different landscape” now. “Anything you’re not comfortable with is not going to happen. I’ve heard other actors that are like, ‘I loved it when there was no intimacy coordinator,’ but I definitely think it’s better,” she said.

Study shows how the pandemic may have affected teens’ brains <a href=https://kra9.cfd>kra11.cc</a> The pandemic’s effects on teenagers were profound — numerous studies have documented reports of issues with their mental health, social lives and more. Now, a new study suggests those phenomena caused some adolescents’ brains to age much faster than they normally would — 4.2 years faster in girls and 1.4 years faster in boys on average, according to the study published Monday in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. By being the first to contribute details on aging differences by sex, the study adds to the existing body of knowledge provided by two previous studies on the Covid-19 pandemic and accelerated brain aging among adolescents. https://kra11-gl.cc kra10.cc “The findings are an important wake-up call about the fragility of the teenage brain,” said senior study author Dr. Patricia K. Kuhl, the Bezos Family Foundation Endowed Chair in Early Childhood Learning and codirector of the Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences at the University of Washington in Seattle, via email. “Teens need our support now more than ever.” Significant socioemotional development occurs during adolescence, along with substantial changes to brain structure and function. The thickness of the cerebral cortex naturally peaks during childhood, steadily decreases throughout adolescence and continues to decrease through one’s lifespan, the authors wrote. The researchers originally intended to track ordinary adolescent brain development over time, starting with MRIs the authors conducted on participants’ brains in 2018. They planned to follow up with them for another scan in 2020. The pandemic delayed the second MRI by three to four years — when the 130 participants based in Washington state were between ages 12 and 20. The authors excluded adolescents who had been diagnosed with a developmental or psychiatric disorder or who were taking psychotropic medications.

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Summary Kamala Harris and Donald Trump have had a fiery 90-minute debate in Philadelphia - their first of the 2024 US presidential election <a href=https://kra6gl.cc>kra4.cc</a> After shaking hands - it was the first time they had met - the pair debated policy before moving onto more personal attacks Harris said people leave Trump rallies early "out of exhaustion and boredom" - he said people don't go to hers in the first place kra4.cc https://kra14gl.com Trump criticised Harris's record on immigration and the border, and also her shifting policy positions - Harris blamed him for "Trump abortion bans" and for the 6 January attacks on the US Capitol Snap polls suggest Harris won the debate, but Trump says afterwards that she "lost very badly" With the election taking place on 5 November, Harris is slightly ahead in national opinion polls - but polls are very tight in key battleground states Shortly after the debate, Taylor Swift endorsed Harris on Instagram, calling her a ''gifted leader''

Summary Kamala Harris and Donald Trump have had a fiery 90-minute debate in Philadelphia - their first of the 2024 US presidential election <a href=https://kraken7-gl.cc>kra4.gl</a> After shaking hands - it was the first time they had met - the pair debated policy before moving onto more personal attacks Harris said people leave Trump rallies early "out of exhaustion and boredom" - he said people don't go to hers in the first place kra4 cc https://kra5gl.cc Trump criticised Harris's record on immigration and the border, and also her shifting policy positions - Harris blamed him for "Trump abortion bans" and for the 6 January attacks on the US Capitol Snap polls suggest Harris won the debate, but Trump says afterwards that she "lost very badly" With the election taking place on 5 November, Harris is slightly ahead in national opinion polls - but polls are very tight in key battleground states Shortly after the debate, Taylor Swift endorsed Harris on Instagram, calling her a ''gifted leader''

Summary Kamala Harris and Donald Trump have had a fiery 90-minute debate in Philadelphia - their first of the 2024 US presidential election <a href=https://kra5gl.cc>kra4.cc</a> After shaking hands - it was the first time they had met - the pair debated policy before moving onto more personal attacks Harris said people leave Trump rallies early "out of exhaustion and boredom" - he said people don't go to hers in the first place kra4 cc https://kraken6-gl.cc Trump criticised Harris's record on immigration and the border, and also her shifting policy positions - Harris blamed him for "Trump abortion bans" and for the 6 January attacks on the US Capitol Snap polls suggest Harris won the debate, but Trump says afterwards that she "lost very badly" With the election taking place on 5 November, Harris is slightly ahead in national opinion polls - but polls are very tight in key battleground states Shortly after the debate, Taylor Swift endorsed Harris on Instagram, calling her a ''gifted leader''

Summary Kamala Harris and Donald Trump have had a fiery 90-minute debate in Philadelphia - their first of the 2024 US presidential election <a href=https://krak7.com>kra4.cc</a> After shaking hands - it was the first time they had met - the pair debated policy before moving onto more personal attacks Harris said people leave Trump rallies early "out of exhaustion and boredom" - he said people don't go to hers in the first place kra4 cc https://kra7.vip Trump criticised Harris's record on immigration and the border, and also her shifting policy positions - Harris blamed him for "Trump abortion bans" and for the 6 January attacks on the US Capitol Snap polls suggest Harris won the debate, but Trump says afterwards that she "lost very badly" With the election taking place on 5 November, Harris is slightly ahead in national opinion polls - but polls are very tight in key battleground states Shortly after the debate, Taylor Swift endorsed Harris on Instagram, calling her a ''gifted leader''

Summary Kamala Harris and Donald Trump have had a fiery 90-minute debate in Philadelphia - their first of the 2024 US presidential election <a href=https://kraken7-gl.com>kra4.cc</a> After shaking hands - it was the first time they had met - the pair debated policy before moving onto more personal attacks Harris said people leave Trump rallies early "out of exhaustion and boredom" - he said people don't go to hers in the first place kra4.gl https://kra-4.gl Trump criticised Harris's record on immigration and the border, and also her shifting policy positions - Harris blamed him for "Trump abortion bans" and for the 6 January attacks on the US Capitol Snap polls suggest Harris won the debate, but Trump says afterwards that she "lost very badly" With the election taking place on 5 November, Harris is slightly ahead in national opinion polls - but polls are very tight in key battleground states Shortly after the debate, Taylor Swift endorsed Harris on Instagram, calling her a ''gifted leader''

Medical staff on the front line of the battle against mpox in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have told the BBC they are desperate for vaccines to arrive so they can stem the rate of new infections. <a href=https://bs-hn.net>СЃРїСЂСѓС‚</a> At a treatment centre in South Kivu province that the BBC visited in the epicentre of the outbreak, they say more patients are arriving every day - especially babies - and there is a shortage of essential equipment. блэк СЃРїСЂСѓС‚ официальный сайт https://bs2site2at.net Mpox - formerly known as monkeypox - is a highly contagious disease and has killed at least 635 people in DR Congo this year. Even though 200,000 vaccines, donated by the European Commission, were flown into the capital, Kinshasa, last week, they are yet to be transported across this vast country - and it could be several weeks before they reach South Kivu. “We've learned from social media that the vaccine is already available,” Emmanuel Fikiri, a nurse working at the clinic that has been turned into a specialist centre to tackle the virus, told the BBC. He said this was the first time he had treated patients with mpox and every day he feared catching it and passing it on to his own children - aged seven, five and one. “You saw how I touched the patients because that's my job as a nurse. So, we're asking the government to help us by first giving us the vaccines.” The reason it will take time to transport the vaccines is that they need to be stored at a precise temperature - below freezing - to maintain their potency, plus they need to be sent to rural areas of South Kivu, like Kamituga, Kavumu and Lwiro, where the outbreak is rife. The lack of infrastructure and bad roads mean that helicopters could possibly be used to drop some of the vaccines, which will further drive up costs in a country that is already struggling financially. At the community clinic, Dr Pacifique Karanzo appeared fatigued and downbeat having been rushed off his feet all morning. Although he wore a face shield, I could see the sweat running down his face. He said he was saddened to see patients sharing beds. “You will even see that the patients are sleeping on the floor,” he told me, clearly exasperated. “The only support we have already had is a little medicine for the patients and water. As far as other challenges are concerned, there's still no staff motivation.” <a href=https://2blacksprut.info>блэк СЃРїСЂСѓС‚ официальный сайт</a>

Medical staff on the front line of the battle against mpox in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have told the BBC they are desperate for vaccines to arrive so they can stem the rate of new infections. <a href=https://blsprut.tech>зеркала блэк СЃРїСЂСѓС‚</a> At a treatment centre in South Kivu province that the BBC visited in the epicentre of the outbreak, they say more patients are arriving every day - especially babies - and there is a shortage of essential equipment. СЃРїСЂСѓС‚ onion https://bs2site-at.net Mpox - formerly known as monkeypox - is a highly contagious disease and has killed at least 635 people in DR Congo this year. Even though 200,000 vaccines, donated by the European Commission, were flown into the capital, Kinshasa, last week, they are yet to be transported across this vast country - and it could be several weeks before they reach South Kivu. “We've learned from social media that the vaccine is already available,” Emmanuel Fikiri, a nurse working at the clinic that has been turned into a specialist centre to tackle the virus, told the BBC. He said this was the first time he had treated patients with mpox and every day he feared catching it and passing it on to his own children - aged seven, five and one. “You saw how I touched the patients because that's my job as a nurse. So, we're asking the government to help us by first giving us the vaccines.” The reason it will take time to transport the vaccines is that they need to be stored at a precise temperature - below freezing - to maintain their potency, plus they need to be sent to rural areas of South Kivu, like Kamituga, Kavumu and Lwiro, where the outbreak is rife. The lack of infrastructure and bad roads mean that helicopters could possibly be used to drop some of the vaccines, which will further drive up costs in a country that is already struggling financially. At the community clinic, Dr Pacifique Karanzo appeared fatigued and downbeat having been rushed off his feet all morning. Although he wore a face shield, I could see the sweat running down his face. He said he was saddened to see patients sharing beds. “You will even see that the patients are sleeping on the floor,” he told me, clearly exasperated. “The only support we have already had is a little medicine for the patients and water. As far as other challenges are concerned, there's still no staff motivation.” <a href=https://btrhbfeojofxcpxuwnsp5h7h22htohw4btqegnxatocbkgdlfiawhyid.ltd>bs2site2.at</a>

Medical staff on the front line of the battle against mpox in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have told the BBC they are desperate for vaccines to arrive so they can stem the rate of new infections. <a href=https://2bs-sc.info>blackspfgh3bi6im374fgl54qliir6to37txpkkd6ucfiu7whfy2odid.onion</a> At a treatment centre in South Kivu province that the BBC visited in the epicentre of the outbreak, they say more patients are arriving every day - especially babies - and there is a shortage of essential equipment. СЃРїСЂСѓС‚ зеркало https://bs2web-at.com Mpox - formerly known as monkeypox - is a highly contagious disease and has killed at least 635 people in DR Congo this year. Even though 200,000 vaccines, donated by the European Commission, were flown into the capital, Kinshasa, last week, they are yet to be transported across this vast country - and it could be several weeks before they reach South Kivu. “We've learned from social media that the vaccine is already available,” Emmanuel Fikiri, a nurse working at the clinic that has been turned into a specialist centre to tackle the virus, told the BBC. He said this was the first time he had treated patients with mpox and every day he feared catching it and passing it on to his own children - aged seven, five and one. “You saw how I touched the patients because that's my job as a nurse. So, we're asking the government to help us by first giving us the vaccines.” The reason it will take time to transport the vaccines is that they need to be stored at a precise temperature - below freezing - to maintain their potency, plus they need to be sent to rural areas of South Kivu, like Kamituga, Kavumu and Lwiro, where the outbreak is rife. The lack of infrastructure and bad roads mean that helicopters could possibly be used to drop some of the vaccines, which will further drive up costs in a country that is already struggling financially. At the community clinic, Dr Pacifique Karanzo appeared fatigued and downbeat having been rushed off his feet all morning. Although he wore a face shield, I could see the sweat running down his face. He said he was saddened to see patients sharing beds. “You will even see that the patients are sleeping on the floor,” he told me, clearly exasperated. “The only support we have already had is a little medicine for the patients and water. As far as other challenges are concerned, there's still no staff motivation.” <a href=https://bls2tor.net>СЃРїСЂСѓС‚</a>

Medical staff on the front line of the battle against mpox in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have told the BBC they are desperate for vaccines to arrive so they can stem the rate of new infections. <a href=https://btrhbfeojofxcpxuwnsp5h7h22htohw4btqegnxatocbkgdlfiawhyid.org>blacksprut com</a> At a treatment centre in South Kivu province that the BBC visited in the epicentre of the outbreak, they say more patients are arriving every day - especially babies - and there is a shortage of essential equipment. blackspfgh3bi6im374fgl54qliir6to37txpkkd6ucfiu7whfy2odid.onion https://blacksprut2rprrt3aoigwh7zftiprzqyqynzz2eiimmwmykw7wkpya.com Mpox - formerly known as monkeypox - is a highly contagious disease and has killed at least 635 people in DR Congo this year. Even though 200,000 vaccines, donated by the European Commission, were flown into the capital, Kinshasa, last week, they are yet to be transported across this vast country - and it could be several weeks before they reach South Kivu. “We've learned from social media that the vaccine is already available,” Emmanuel Fikiri, a nurse working at the clinic that has been turned into a specialist centre to tackle the virus, told the BBC. He said this was the first time he had treated patients with mpox and every day he feared catching it and passing it on to his own children - aged seven, five and one. “You saw how I touched the patients because that's my job as a nurse. So, we're asking the government to help us by first giving us the vaccines.” The reason it will take time to transport the vaccines is that they need to be stored at a precise temperature - below freezing - to maintain their potency, plus they need to be sent to rural areas of South Kivu, like Kamituga, Kavumu and Lwiro, where the outbreak is rife. The lack of infrastructure and bad roads mean that helicopters could possibly be used to drop some of the vaccines, which will further drive up costs in a country that is already struggling financially. At the community clinic, Dr Pacifique Karanzo appeared fatigued and downbeat having been rushed off his feet all morning. Although he wore a face shield, I could see the sweat running down his face. He said he was saddened to see patients sharing beds. “You will even see that the patients are sleeping on the floor,” he told me, clearly exasperated. “The only support we have already had is a little medicine for the patients and water. As far as other challenges are concerned, there's still no staff motivation.” <a href=https://bs2t-site.cc>СЃРїСЂСѓС‚</a>

Medical staff on the front line of the battle against mpox in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have told the BBC they are desperate for vaccines to arrive so they can stem the rate of new infections. <a href=https://blacksprutbsgl.net>blackspfgh3bi6im374fgl54qliir6to37txpkkd6ucfiu7whfy2odid.onion</a> At a treatment centre in South Kivu province that the BBC visited in the epicentre of the outbreak, they say more patients are arriving every day - especially babies - and there is a shortage of essential equipment. bs.gl https://bsp2tor.cc Mpox - formerly known as monkeypox - is a highly contagious disease and has killed at least 635 people in DR Congo this year. Even though 200,000 vaccines, donated by the European Commission, were flown into the capital, Kinshasa, last week, they are yet to be transported across this vast country - and it could be several weeks before they reach South Kivu. “We've learned from social media that the vaccine is already available,” Emmanuel Fikiri, a nurse working at the clinic that has been turned into a specialist centre to tackle the virus, told the BBC. He said this was the first time he had treated patients with mpox and every day he feared catching it and passing it on to his own children - aged seven, five and one. “You saw how I touched the patients because that's my job as a nurse. So, we're asking the government to help us by first giving us the vaccines.” The reason it will take time to transport the vaccines is that they need to be stored at a precise temperature - below freezing - to maintain their potency, plus they need to be sent to rural areas of South Kivu, like Kamituga, Kavumu and Lwiro, where the outbreak is rife. The lack of infrastructure and bad roads mean that helicopters could possibly be used to drop some of the vaccines, which will further drive up costs in a country that is already struggling financially. At the community clinic, Dr Pacifique Karanzo appeared fatigued and downbeat having been rushed off his feet all morning. Although he wore a face shield, I could see the sweat running down his face. He said he was saddened to see patients sharing beds. “You will even see that the patients are sleeping on the floor,” he told me, clearly exasperated. “The only support we have already had is a little medicine for the patients and water. As far as other challenges are concerned, there's still no staff motivation.” <a href=https://bs2at.site>блэк СЃРїСЂСѓС‚ ссылка</a>

Drought-hit Danube River reveals scuttled German World War II ships <a href=https://news.rambler.ru/community/46426983-rossiyan-poprosili-osteregatsya-kompaniy-best-way-i-life-is-good/>после анального секса</a> The wrecks of explosives-laden Nazi ships sunk in the Danube River during World War II have emerged near Serbia’s river port town of Prahovo, after a drought in July and August that saw the river’s water level drop. Four vessels dating from before 1950 have also come to light in Hungary’s Danube-Drava National Park near Mohacs, where the Danube’s water level stood at only 1.5 meters (4.9 feet) on Tuesday, the lingering effect of severe heat waves and persistent drought in July and August. The vessels revealed in Prahovo were among hundreds scuttled along the Danube by Nazi Germany’s Black Sea fleet in 1944 as they retreated from advancing Soviet forces, destroying the ships themselves. The wrecks can hamper river traffic during low water levels. Strewn across the riverbed, some of the ships still have turrets, command bridges, broken masts and twisted hulls, while others lie mostly submerged under sandbanks. Endre Sztellik, a guard at the Danube-Drava national park, said of one of the ships, “we still don’t know what this is exactly. What is visible and an unfortunate fact is that the wreck is diminishing as people are interested in it and parts of it are going missing.” The Danube stood at 1.17 meters (3.8 feet) in Budapest on Tuesday, which compares with an all-time record low of around 0.4 meters (1.3 feet) registered in October 2018. During floods, the Danube rises well above 6 meters (19.7 feet). “Eastern Europe is experiencing critical drought conditions that are affecting crops and vegetation,” the European climate service Copernicus said on its website in its latest drought report, published earlier this month.

Remember when Lady Gaga ‘bled’ onstage during her shocking performance at the 2009 VMAs? <a href=https://scaud.info/blog/post/zhit-horosho-v-life-good-legenda-ili-realnaya-istoriya>большой анальный секс</a> Singing about the perils of fame, being dragged out from beneath a fallen chandelier then bleeding to death in front of a roomful of celebrities: Lady Gaga was not shy about making her debut at the MTV Video Music Awards. The year was 2009 — many will remember it as the year rapper Ye (formerly Kanye West) stage-crashed 19-year-old Taylor Swift and suggested her award for Best Female Video should have gone to Beyonce instead. But never one to be overshadowed, Lady Gaga, then 23, made some pop culture history of her own that night. Her rendition of “Paparazzi” — lamenting both unrequited love and the sinister effects of hounding tabloids — has gone down in the mists of Gaga legend; not least because a lack of high-quality footage means fans must resort to watching grainy screen-recorded versions circulated on social media. Over the limited number of pixels, Gaga can be seen at the start of the performance in an all-white ensemble: a bejeweled, asymmetric lace bodysuit and matching cape, thigh-high boots, a feathered Keko Hainswheeler headpiece and strings of glinting pearls. As she staggered back from her piano at the song’s crescendo, however, an audible gasp swept the room as thick blood suddenly appeared to be pouring from her abdomen. “I’m your biggest fan, I’ll follow you until you love me,” Gaga wailed desperately, her once-pristine outfit now daubed in scarlet. She ended the number suspended above the stage, ‘dead,’ as more blood dripped from her eyes. “(It) gives me chills every time I watch it,” Olivia Rodrigo told MTV in 2021. “I think Lady Gaga is the best performer of our generation.” The “Drivers License” singer appeared to take notes. At this year’s Grammy Awards, she began to ‘bleed’ from clenched fists while performing her hit “vampire,” spreading fake blood across her arms and neck as the song progressed.

Medical staff on the front line of the battle against mpox in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have told the BBC they are desperate for vaccines to arrive so they can stem the rate of new infections. <a href=https://bs2web-at.net>блэк СЃРїСЂСѓС‚ официальный сайт</a> At a treatment centre in South Kivu province that the BBC visited in the epicentre of the outbreak, they say more patients are arriving every day - especially babies - and there is a shortage of essential equipment. blackspruty4w3j4bzyhlk24jr32wbpnfo3oyywn4ckwylo4hkcyy4yd.onion https://blackspruty4w3j4bzyhlk24jr32wbpnfo3oyywn4ckwylo4hkc4yd.com Mpox - formerly known as monkeypox - is a highly contagious disease and has killed at least 635 people in DR Congo this year. Even though 200,000 vaccines, donated by the European Commission, were flown into the capital, Kinshasa, last week, they are yet to be transported across this vast country - and it could be several weeks before they reach South Kivu. “We've learned from social media that the vaccine is already available,” Emmanuel Fikiri, a nurse working at the clinic that has been turned into a specialist centre to tackle the virus, told the BBC. He said this was the first time he had treated patients with mpox and every day he feared catching it and passing it on to his own children - aged seven, five and one. “You saw how I touched the patients because that's my job as a nurse. So, we're asking the government to help us by first giving us the vaccines.” The reason it will take time to transport the vaccines is that they need to be stored at a precise temperature - below freezing - to maintain their potency, plus they need to be sent to rural areas of South Kivu, like Kamituga, Kavumu and Lwiro, where the outbreak is rife. The lack of infrastructure and bad roads mean that helicopters could possibly be used to drop some of the vaccines, which will further drive up costs in a country that is already struggling financially. At the community clinic, Dr Pacifique Karanzo appeared fatigued and downbeat having been rushed off his feet all morning. Although he wore a face shield, I could see the sweat running down his face. He said he was saddened to see patients sharing beds. “You will even see that the patients are sleeping on the floor,” he told me, clearly exasperated. “The only support we have already had is a little medicine for the patients and water. As far as other challenges are concerned, there's still no staff motivation.” <a href=https://www-blackspruty4w3j4bzyhlk24jr32wbpnfo3oyywn4ckwylo4hkcyy4yd.com>blacksprut com</a>

Medical staff on the front line of the battle against mpox in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have told the BBC they are desperate for vaccines to arrive so they can stem the rate of new infections. <a href=https://blspr2web2.net>bs.gl</a> At a treatment centre in South Kivu province that the BBC visited in the epicentre of the outbreak, they say more patients are arriving every day - especially babies - and there is a shortage of essential equipment. блэкспрут сайт https://bs02site.cc Mpox - formerly known as monkeypox - is a highly contagious disease and has killed at least 635 people in DR Congo this year. Even though 200,000 vaccines, donated by the European Commission, were flown into the capital, Kinshasa, last week, they are yet to be transported across this vast country - and it could be several weeks before they reach South Kivu. “We've learned from social media that the vaccine is already available,” Emmanuel Fikiri, a nurse working at the clinic that has been turned into a specialist centre to tackle the virus, told the BBC. He said this was the first time he had treated patients with mpox and every day he feared catching it and passing it on to his own children - aged seven, five and one. “You saw how I touched the patients because that's my job as a nurse. So, we're asking the government to help us by first giving us the vaccines.” The reason it will take time to transport the vaccines is that they need to be stored at a precise temperature - below freezing - to maintain their potency, plus they need to be sent to rural areas of South Kivu, like Kamituga, Kavumu and Lwiro, where the outbreak is rife. The lack of infrastructure and bad roads mean that helicopters could possibly be used to drop some of the vaccines, which will further drive up costs in a country that is already struggling financially. At the community clinic, Dr Pacifique Karanzo appeared fatigued and downbeat having been rushed off his feet all morning. Although he wore a face shield, I could see the sweat running down his face. He said he was saddened to see patients sharing beds. “You will even see that the patients are sleeping on the floor,” he told me, clearly exasperated. “The only support we have already had is a little medicine for the patients and water. As far as other challenges are concerned, there's still no staff motivation.” <a href=https://bs2tsite1.info>blacksprut com</a>

Medical staff on the front line of the battle against mpox in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have told the BBC they are desperate for vaccines to arrive so they can stem the rate of new infections. <a href=https://bs2tsite-cc.net>blackspruty4w3j4bzyhlk24jr32wbpnfo3oyywn4ckwylo4hkcyy4yd.onion</a> At a treatment centre in South Kivu province that the BBC visited in the epicentre of the outbreak, they say more patients are arriving every day - especially babies - and there is a shortage of essential equipment. блэкспрут https://bs-gl-darknet.com Mpox - formerly known as monkeypox - is a highly contagious disease and has killed at least 635 people in DR Congo this year. Even though 200,000 vaccines, donated by the European Commission, were flown into the capital, Kinshasa, last week, they are yet to be transported across this vast country - and it could be several weeks before they reach South Kivu. “We've learned from social media that the vaccine is already available,” Emmanuel Fikiri, a nurse working at the clinic that has been turned into a specialist centre to tackle the virus, told the BBC. He said this was the first time he had treated patients with mpox and every day he feared catching it and passing it on to his own children - aged seven, five and one. “You saw how I touched the patients because that's my job as a nurse. So, we're asking the government to help us by first giving us the vaccines.” The reason it will take time to transport the vaccines is that they need to be stored at a precise temperature - below freezing - to maintain their potency, plus they need to be sent to rural areas of South Kivu, like Kamituga, Kavumu and Lwiro, where the outbreak is rife. The lack of infrastructure and bad roads mean that helicopters could possibly be used to drop some of the vaccines, which will further drive up costs in a country that is already struggling financially. At the community clinic, Dr Pacifique Karanzo appeared fatigued and downbeat having been rushed off his feet all morning. Although he wore a face shield, I could see the sweat running down his face. He said he was saddened to see patients sharing beds. “You will even see that the patients are sleeping on the floor,” he told me, clearly exasperated. “The only support we have already had is a little medicine for the patients and water. As far as other challenges are concerned, there's still no staff motivation.” <a href=https://bs2w-mp.com>blacksprut площадка</a>

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<p><i>Esquire запускает свою дебютную линию мужских ароматов, которая обещает стать незаменимой для многих. Ароматы созданы для того, чтобы подчеркнуть индивидуальность и стиль. Однако Евгений Майер предупреждает, что перед лазерной эпиляцией стоит избегать парфюмерии, чтобы не повредить кожу.</i></p><center><img alt="Профессиональные Услуги, Евгений Майер, лазерная эпиляция, Эстетическая Медицина, Удаление Волос" src="https://pr-img.ru/2024/618/studija-lazernoj-epilyacii-mayer-1.jpg" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;max-width:100%;"></center><p>Ожидается, что эти ароматы будут популярны среди представителей медиа и литераторов. Главный редактор Esquire Майкл Себастьян заявил: "Наши читатели всегда интересовались мужской парфюмерией и уходом за собой. Мы давно думали о создании собственной линии ароматов для мужчин, и сейчас пришло время. Это естественное развитие наших продуктов, которые находят отклик у наших читателей".</p><p>Линейка ароматов Esquire вдохновлена литературой и журналистикой, и может стать верным спутником в мире творчества. В коллекцию входят ароматы:</p><p>American Novelist - свежий и гармоничный аромат с нотами бергамота, можжевельника, мяты, базилика и кожи, с оттенками кедра, мха и сосны.</p><p>Editor in Chief - теплый и пряный аромат с нотами гвоздики, корицы, яблока, ириса, лабданума, кашмерана, пачули и ветивера, на базе сандала, кедра, ванили, березы и тонки.</p><p>Modern Poet - игривый и харизматичный аромат с цитрусовыми нотами, герани, окутанными ветивером, мхом, пачули, сандалом, бальзамом и амброй.</p><p>New Journalist - повседневный аромат с цитрусовыми оттенками, голубой лавандой, лотосом, герани, на фоне ветивера, сандала и амбры.</p><p>Ароматы доступны в концентрации Eau de Parfum объемом 100 мл по цене от 10 000 рублей.</p><center><img alt="Евгений Майер - создатель лазера для эпиляции MAYER iDiod SAPPHIRE" src="https://pr-img.ru/2024/618/evgenij-mayer-sozdatel-lazera-dlja-epilyacii-mayer-sapphire-3.jpg" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;max-width:100%;"></center><p>Вдохновитель <a href="https://piar.im/statji/evgenij-majer-prihoditj-na-lazernuju-epiljatsiju-s-aromatami-neetichno-dazhe-esli-eto-esquire.html">бренда лазерных аппаратов для эпиляции</a> MAYER, Евгений Майер, рекомендует воздерживаться от парфюмерии перед процедурами лазерной эпиляции, чтобы избежать раздражения кожи и отвлечения специалиста.</p> <a href=https://minitasks.ru/majer-preduprezhdaet-esquire-i-lazernaya-epilyaciya-ne-sovmesti>Евгений Майер - лазерный эпилятор</a>

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Уcтановкa натяжныx пoтолков любой сложнoсти? PАБОTАEM ПO BCEЙ Невьянск, Новоуральск. Европейcкоe качeство.лучшиe мaтериaлы. БEЗ ЗАПАXA. Выeзд специалистa зaмерщика бecплатно!! <a href=https://xn--1-stbdlex.xn--p1ai/>слив воды с натяжного потолка</a>

Scientists who discovered mammals can breathe through their anuses receive Ig Nobel prize <a href=https://kraken3yvbvzmhytnrnuhsy772i6dfobofu652e27f5hx6y5cpj7rgyd.cc>kra7 cc</a> The world still holds many unanswered questions. But thanks to the efforts of the research teams awarded the IG Nobel Prize on Thursday, some of these questions – which you might not even have thought existed – now have answers. We now know that many mammals can breathe through their anuses, that there isn’t an equal probability that a coin will land on head or tails, that some real plants somehow imitate the shapes of neighboring fake plastic plants, that fake medicine which causes painful side-effects can be more effective than fake medicine without side-effects, and that many of the people famous for reaching lofty old ages lived in places that had bad record-keeping. https://kraken3yvbvzmhytnrnuhsy772i6dfobofu652e27f5hx6y5cpj7rgyd.cc kraken тор The awards – which have no affiliation to the Nobel Prizes – aim to “celebrate the unusual, honor the imaginative – and spur people’s interest in science, medicine, and technology” by making “people laugh, then think.” In a two-hour ceremony as quirky as the scientific achievements it was celebrating, audience members were welcomed to their seats by accordion music, before a safety briefing warned them not to “sit on anyone, unless you are a child,” not to “feed, chase or eat ducks” and to throw their paper airplane safely. There were two “paper airplane deluges” during the ceremony in which the audience attempted to throw their creations – safely – at a target in the middle of the stage. Among those collecting their prizes was a Japanese research team led by Ryo Okabe and Takanori Takebe who discovered that mammals can breathe through their anuses. They say in their paper that this potentially offers an alternative way of getting oxygen into critically ill patients if ventilator and artificial lung supplies run low, like they did during the Covid-19 pandemic. American psychologist B.F Skinner was posthumously awarded the peace prize for his work attempting to use pigeons to guide the flight path of missiles, while a European-wide research team was awarded the probability prize for conducting 350,757 experiments to demonstrate that a coin tends to land on the same side it started when it is flipped.

Scientists who discovered mammals can breathe through their anuses receive Ig Nobel prize <a href=https://kraken3yvbvzmhytnrnuhsy772i6dfobofu652e27f5hx6y5cpj7rgyd.cc>kraken3yvbvzmhytnrnuhsy772i6dfobofu652e27f5hx6y5cpj7rgyd onion</a> The world still holds many unanswered questions. But thanks to the efforts of the research teams awarded the IG Nobel Prize on Thursday, some of these questions – which you might not even have thought existed – now have answers. We now know that many mammals can breathe through their anuses, that there isn’t an equal probability that a coin will land on head or tails, that some real plants somehow imitate the shapes of neighboring fake plastic plants, that fake medicine which causes painful side-effects can be more effective than fake medicine without side-effects, and that many of the people famous for reaching lofty old ages lived in places that had bad record-keeping. https://kraken3yvbvzmhytnrnuhsy772i6dfobofu652e27f5hx6y5cpj7rgyd.cc kraken зеркало The awards – which have no affiliation to the Nobel Prizes – aim to “celebrate the unusual, honor the imaginative – and spur people’s interest in science, medicine, and technology” by making “people laugh, then think.” In a two-hour ceremony as quirky as the scientific achievements it was celebrating, audience members were welcomed to their seats by accordion music, before a safety briefing warned them not to “sit on anyone, unless you are a child,” not to “feed, chase or eat ducks” and to throw their paper airplane safely. There were two “paper airplane deluges” during the ceremony in which the audience attempted to throw their creations – safely – at a target in the middle of the stage. Among those collecting their prizes was a Japanese research team led by Ryo Okabe and Takanori Takebe who discovered that mammals can breathe through their anuses. They say in their paper that this potentially offers an alternative way of getting oxygen into critically ill patients if ventilator and artificial lung supplies run low, like they did during the Covid-19 pandemic. American psychologist B.F Skinner was posthumously awarded the peace prize for his work attempting to use pigeons to guide the flight path of missiles, while a European-wide research team was awarded the probability prize for conducting 350,757 experiments to demonstrate that a coin tends to land on the same side it started when it is flipped.

Hyundai and GM to work together on developing new cars <a href=https://kraken3yvbvzmhytnrnuhsy772i6dfobofu652e27f5hx6y5cpj7rgyd.cc>kra7 cc</a> Hyundai and General Motors (GM) have agreed to look for ways to work together on developing new vehicles, supply chains and technologies in an effort to cut costs and move more quickly. Global carmakers are under intense pressure to come up with new electric vehicle (EV) and battery technology because they face vehicle emissions regulations around the world. Those research and development efforts could cost tens of billions of dollars. They’re also facing an onslaught of potential competition from Chinese automakers, particularly EV producers, trying to export their lower-cost models overseas in order to escape a huge oversupply problem at home. kraken onion https://kraken3yvbvzmhytnrnuhsy772i6dfobofu652e27f5hx6y5cpj7rgyd.cc South Korea’s Hyundai and America’s GM (GM) said on Thursday they would collaborate on joint product development, manufacturing and future clean energy technologies. They plan to work together on internal combustion, clean-energy, electric and hydrogen vehicles. The non-binding framework agreement was signed by Hyundai Motor Executive Chair Euisun Chung and GM Chair and CEO Mary Barra. “Our goal is to unlock the scale and creativity of both companies to deliver even more competitive vehicles to customers faster and more efficiently,” Barra said in the statement. Including its affiliate Kia, Hyundai Motor is the world’s third-largest automaker by sales, according to Reuters, while GM is currently America’s largest carmaker, having retaken that title from Toyota (TM) in 2022. “This partnership will enable Hyundai Motor and GM to evaluate opportunities to enhance competitiveness in key markets and vehicle segments, as well as drive cost efficiencies and provide stronger customer value,” Chung said in the statement. Carmakers are increasingly sealing partnerships as a way of becoming more competitive in a cut-throat industry driven by price wars. Last year, Nissan and Renault finalized the terms of their revamped alliance, which will focus on developing EVs. GM and Honda (HMC), along with Cruise — GM’s autonomous driving subsidiary — have agreed to create a driverless ride-hailing company in Japan.

Hyundai and GM to work together on developing new cars <a href=https://kraken3yvbvzmhytnrnuhsy772i6dfobofu652e27f5hx6y5cpj7rgyd.cc>kraken тор</a> Hyundai and General Motors (GM) have agreed to look for ways to work together on developing new vehicles, supply chains and technologies in an effort to cut costs and move more quickly. Global carmakers are under intense pressure to come up with new electric vehicle (EV) and battery technology because they face vehicle emissions regulations around the world. Those research and development efforts could cost tens of billions of dollars. They’re also facing an onslaught of potential competition from Chinese automakers, particularly EV producers, trying to export their lower-cost models overseas in order to escape a huge oversupply problem at home. kra5 gl https://kraken3yvbvzmhytnrnuhsy772i6dfobofu652e27f5hx6y5cpj7rgyd.cc South Korea’s Hyundai and America’s GM (GM) said on Thursday they would collaborate on joint product development, manufacturing and future clean energy technologies. They plan to work together on internal combustion, clean-energy, electric and hydrogen vehicles. The non-binding framework agreement was signed by Hyundai Motor Executive Chair Euisun Chung and GM Chair and CEO Mary Barra. “Our goal is to unlock the scale and creativity of both companies to deliver even more competitive vehicles to customers faster and more efficiently,” Barra said in the statement. Including its affiliate Kia, Hyundai Motor is the world’s third-largest automaker by sales, according to Reuters, while GM is currently America’s largest carmaker, having retaken that title from Toyota (TM) in 2022. “This partnership will enable Hyundai Motor and GM to evaluate opportunities to enhance competitiveness in key markets and vehicle segments, as well as drive cost efficiencies and provide stronger customer value,” Chung said in the statement. Carmakers are increasingly sealing partnerships as a way of becoming more competitive in a cut-throat industry driven by price wars. Last year, Nissan and Renault finalized the terms of their revamped alliance, which will focus on developing EVs. GM and Honda (HMC), along with Cruise — GM’s autonomous driving subsidiary — have agreed to create a driverless ride-hailing company in Japan.

Scientists who discovered mammals can breathe through their anuses receive Ig Nobel prize <a href=https://kraken3yvbvzmhytnrnuhsy772i6dfobofu652e27f5hx6y5cpj7rgyd.cc>kraken onion</a> The world still holds many unanswered questions. But thanks to the efforts of the research teams awarded the IG Nobel Prize on Thursday, some of these questions – which you might not even have thought existed – now have answers. We now know that many mammals can breathe through their anuses, that there isn’t an equal probability that a coin will land on head or tails, that some real plants somehow imitate the shapes of neighboring fake plastic plants, that fake medicine which causes painful side-effects can be more effective than fake medicine without side-effects, and that many of the people famous for reaching lofty old ages lived in places that had bad record-keeping. https://kraken3yvbvzmhytnrnuhsy772i6dfobofu652e27f5hx6y5cpj7rgyd.cc kra6 cc The awards – which have no affiliation to the Nobel Prizes – aim to “celebrate the unusual, honor the imaginative – and spur people’s interest in science, medicine, and technology” by making “people laugh, then think.” In a two-hour ceremony as quirky as the scientific achievements it was celebrating, audience members were welcomed to their seats by accordion music, before a safety briefing warned them not to “sit on anyone, unless you are a child,” not to “feed, chase or eat ducks” and to throw their paper airplane safely. There were two “paper airplane deluges” during the ceremony in which the audience attempted to throw their creations – safely – at a target in the middle of the stage. Among those collecting their prizes was a Japanese research team led by Ryo Okabe and Takanori Takebe who discovered that mammals can breathe through their anuses. They say in their paper that this potentially offers an alternative way of getting oxygen into critically ill patients if ventilator and artificial lung supplies run low, like they did during the Covid-19 pandemic. American psychologist B.F Skinner was posthumously awarded the peace prize for his work attempting to use pigeons to guide the flight path of missiles, while a European-wide research team was awarded the probability prize for conducting 350,757 experiments to demonstrate that a coin tends to land on the same side it started when it is flipped.

The world’s best pizza for 2024 isn’t in Naples – or even in Italy. Here’s where it is … <a href=https://kraken2trfqodidvlh4aa337cpzfrhdlfldhve5nf7njhumwr7insta.cc>kraken6gf6o4rxewycqwjgfchzgxyfeoj5xafqbfm4vgvyaig2vmxvyd</a> Many New Yorkers will gladly tell anyone who’ll listen – and even those who won’t – about how they have the best pizza. And now they’ve got some mouth-watering new back-up for their long-standing culinary claims. This week, the Italy-based 50 Top Pizza Awards came out with its 2024 worldwide list, and a Lower East Side restaurant came out on top. Una Pizza Napoletana, opened by pizza maestro Anthony Mangieri in March 2022, not only beat out US competitors but also global ones. That includes pizzerias in Naples, Italy, the holy land for pizza aficionados and foodies in general. “It’s inspiring to be recognized for this 30 years into my career, especially in Naples where pizza originated,” Mangieri said in an email to CNN Travel on Thursday. https://kraken2trfqodidvlh4aa337cpzfrhdlfldhve5nf7njhumwr7insta.cc kraken7jmgt7yhhe2c4iyilthnhcugfylcztsdhh7otrr6jgdw667pqd Adding to their bragging rights, New Yorkers saw three other pizzerias make the 2024 list, which included 101 restaurants in total (despite the “50” in the name of the awards). The rankings for the other New York pizzerias were Ribalta at No. 19, Don Antonio at No. 30 and L’industrie Pizzeria at No. 80. Italy still managed to dominate the overall list with 41 eateries while the United States got a total of 15 places recognized. And Naples managed to best New York with five entries on the list, including a tie for the No. 2 spot with Diego Vigtaliano Pizzeria. Showing how truly global the awards are, nations not exactly known for their pizza scenes –South Korea, Bolivia and India, to name three ­– were represented on the list.

Scientists have solved the mystery of a 650-foot mega-tsunami that made the Earth vibrate for 9 days <a href=https://kraken2trfqodidvlh4aa337cpzfrhdlfldhve5nf7njhumwr7insta.cc>kraken3yvbvzmhytnrnuhsy772i6dfobofu652e27f5hx6y5cpj7rgyd</a> It started with a melting glacier that set off a huge landslide, which triggered a 650-foot high mega-tsunami in Greenland last September. Then came something inexplicable: a mysterious vibration that shook the planet for nine days. Over the past year, dozens of scientists across the world have been trying to figure out what this signal was. Now they have an answer, according to a new study in the journal Science, and it provides yet another warning that the Arctic is entering “uncharted waters” as humans push global temperatures ever upwards. https://kraken2trfqodidvlh4aa337cpzfrhdlfldhve5nf7njhumwr7insta.cc kraken2trfqodidvlh4aa337cpzfrhdlfldhve5nf7njhumwr7instad onion Some seismologists thought their instruments were broken when they started picking up vibrations through the ground back in September, said Stephen Hicks, a study co-author and a seismologist at University College London. It wasn’t the rich orchestra of high pitches and rumbles you might expect with an earthquake, but more of a monotonous hum, he told CNN. Earthquake signals tend to last for minutes; this one lasted for nine days. He was baffled, it was “completely unprecedented,” he said. Seismologists traced the signal to eastern Greenland, but couldn’t pin down a specific location. So they contacted colleagues in Denmark, who had received reports of a landslide-triggered tsunami in a remote part of the region called Dickson Fjord. The result was a nearly year-long collaboration between 68 scientists across 15 countries, who combed through seismic, satellite and on-the-ground data, as well as simulations of tsunami waves to solve the puzzle.



Scientists have solved the mystery of a 650-foot mega-tsunami that made the Earth vibrate for 9 days <a href=https://kraken2trfqodidvlh4aa337cpzfrhdlfldhve5nf7njhumwr7insta.cc>kraken onion</a> It started with a melting glacier that set off a huge landslide, which triggered a 650-foot high mega-tsunami in Greenland last September. Then came something inexplicable: a mysterious vibration that shook the planet for nine days. Over the past year, dozens of scientists across the world have been trying to figure out what this signal was. Now they have an answer, according to a new study in the journal Science, and it provides yet another warning that the Arctic is entering “uncharted waters” as humans push global temperatures ever upwards. https://kraken2trfqodidvlh4aa337cpzfrhdlfldhve5nf7njhumwr7insta.cc kraken3yvbvzmhytnrnuhsy772i6dfobofu652e27f5hx6y5cpj7rgyd Some seismologists thought their instruments were broken when they started picking up vibrations through the ground back in September, said Stephen Hicks, a study co-author and a seismologist at University College London. It wasn’t the rich orchestra of high pitches and rumbles you might expect with an earthquake, but more of a monotonous hum, he told CNN. Earthquake signals tend to last for minutes; this one lasted for nine days. He was baffled, it was “completely unprecedented,” he said. Seismologists traced the signal to eastern Greenland, but couldn’t pin down a specific location. So they contacted colleagues in Denmark, who had received reports of a landslide-triggered tsunami in a remote part of the region called Dickson Fjord. The result was a nearly year-long collaboration between 68 scientists across 15 countries, who combed through seismic, satellite and on-the-ground data, as well as simulations of tsunami waves to solve the puzzle.

The world’s best pizza for 2024 isn’t in Naples – or even in Italy. Here’s where it is … <a href=https://kraken2trfqodidvlh4aa337cpzfrhdlfldhve5nf7njhumwr7insta.cc>kraken3yvbvzmhytnrnuhsy772i6dfobofu652e27f5hx6y5cpj7rgyd onion</a> Many New Yorkers will gladly tell anyone who’ll listen – and even those who won’t – about how they have the best pizza. And now they’ve got some mouth-watering new back-up for their long-standing culinary claims. This week, the Italy-based 50 Top Pizza Awards came out with its 2024 worldwide list, and a Lower East Side restaurant came out on top. Una Pizza Napoletana, opened by pizza maestro Anthony Mangieri in March 2022, not only beat out US competitors but also global ones. That includes pizzerias in Naples, Italy, the holy land for pizza aficionados and foodies in general. “It’s inspiring to be recognized for this 30 years into my career, especially in Naples where pizza originated,” Mangieri said in an email to CNN Travel on Thursday. https://kraken2trfqodidvlh4aa337cpzfrhdlfldhve5nf7njhumwr7insta.cc kraken2trfqodidvlh4aa337cpzfrhdlfldhve5nf7njhumwr7instad Adding to their bragging rights, New Yorkers saw three other pizzerias make the 2024 list, which included 101 restaurants in total (despite the “50” in the name of the awards). The rankings for the other New York pizzerias were Ribalta at No. 19, Don Antonio at No. 30 and L’industrie Pizzeria at No. 80. Italy still managed to dominate the overall list with 41 eateries while the United States got a total of 15 places recognized. And Naples managed to best New York with five entries on the list, including a tie for the No. 2 spot with Diego Vigtaliano Pizzeria. Showing how truly global the awards are, nations not exactly known for their pizza scenes –South Korea, Bolivia and India, to name three ­– were represented on the list.

The world’s best pizza for 2024 isn’t in Naples – or even in Italy. Here’s where it is … <a href=https://kraken2trfqodidvlh4aa337cpzfrhdlfldhve5nf7njhumwr7insta.cc>kraken2trfqodidvlh4aa337cpzfrhdlfldhve5nf7njhumwr7instad</a> Many New Yorkers will gladly tell anyone who’ll listen – and even those who won’t – about how they have the best pizza. And now they’ve got some mouth-watering new back-up for their long-standing culinary claims. This week, the Italy-based 50 Top Pizza Awards came out with its 2024 worldwide list, and a Lower East Side restaurant came out on top. Una Pizza Napoletana, opened by pizza maestro Anthony Mangieri in March 2022, not only beat out US competitors but also global ones. That includes pizzerias in Naples, Italy, the holy land for pizza aficionados and foodies in general. “It’s inspiring to be recognized for this 30 years into my career, especially in Naples where pizza originated,” Mangieri said in an email to CNN Travel on Thursday. https://kraken2trfqodidvlh4aa337cpzfrhdlfldhve5nf7njhumwr7insta.cc kraken4qzqnoi7ogpzpzwrxk7mw53n5i56loydwiyonu4owxsh4g67yd onion Adding to their bragging rights, New Yorkers saw three other pizzerias make the 2024 list, which included 101 restaurants in total (despite the “50” in the name of the awards). The rankings for the other New York pizzerias were Ribalta at No. 19, Don Antonio at No. 30 and L’industrie Pizzeria at No. 80. Italy still managed to dominate the overall list with 41 eateries while the United States got a total of 15 places recognized. And Naples managed to best New York with five entries on the list, including a tie for the No. 2 spot with Diego Vigtaliano Pizzeria. Showing how truly global the awards are, nations not exactly known for their pizza scenes –South Korea, Bolivia and India, to name three ­– were represented on the list.

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