Efficient and effective logistics is vital to large Oil & Gas projects – equipment must be transported to work sites and raw products need to be processed and then delivered to customers, often using multiple modes of transport in a complex supply chain. In addition to this complexity, another important part of the overall logistics problem is people logistics – How do we move personnel to and from a worksite both safely and efficiently?

Why should I invest in personnel?

Particularly in Australia, where many work sites exist in remote areas, it is not always feasible to relocate employees and their families to a town near the work site. As a result, many workforce personnel are employed on a fly-in fly-out (FIFO) or bus-in bus-out (BIBO) basis, where the employer is responsible for moving personnel to and from the work site.

2013 report from Ernst & Young indicated that human capital deficit is one of the top ten risks facing the global Oil & Gas industry, affirming that

as the sector develops technologically . . . companies that can retain and mobilize people will be able to sustain their competitive advantage.

Effective and efficient personnel mobilization is crucial to any significant oil and gas project. Research published in 2012 by the Australian Centre of Excellence for Local Government (ACELG) into the prevalence of FIFO in Australia predicts that percentage of Australian mining sector jobs filled by FIFO roles will only increase over the coming years.

Improper workforce utilisation increases susceptibility to many internal and external issues, such as: a high employee turnover, high ongoing operational costs to the business, and under- or over-allocation of staff to specific jobs.

Analytics to cut through complexity

People logistics for a large project requires the coordination of travel and accommodation for hundreds, sometimes thousands of people in various remote locations. As with traditional logistics, several crucial decisions have to be made including BIBO vs FIFO, choice of airports or bus routes and staff roster schedules. In addition to this complexity, working with personnel often requires much greater scrutiny – we don’t always require a minimal-cost solution – we need to balance cost, project risk, employee safety and employee satisfaction.

Trying to weigh up all these variables and make decisions in an intelligent way for all of the personnel involved in a project very quickly becomes complex. A 2014 interview by Mining Australia notes that “for many companies [workforce management] is man­ual, or only semi-automated, which increases the risk of error or processing in­efficiencies, increasing costs”. Managing a large workforce is difficult, and only with the right technology can companies provide efficient and effective workforce management.

Through analytics companies can cut through the complexity involved in workforce management. By considering specific variables and how they affect outcomes companies can make better decisions.

Analytics empowers organisations through quantitative justification so that decision makers can be certain that employees will be spending less time in transit, and working on the right jobs at the right times, with the right people.

Biarri and People Logistics

Biarri delivers consulting and SaaS solutions to provide the right technology to enable effective workforce management.

Biarri has a proven track record, delivering people logistics and FIFO solutions for Oil & Gas and Mining companies in Australia including Santos, BMA, and Arrow Energy.

To learn more about how Biarri can help your organisation benefit from analytics and optimisation for people logistics get in touch today!


A year on from Qatar 2022 what’s the legacy of a World Cup like no other? сайт спрут The 2022 World Cup final will go down as one of the most exciting dramatic and memorable matches in the history of the game. It was the scene of Lionel Messi’s greatest moment on a soccer pitch in which he cemented his legacy as the best player of his generation after finally guiding Argentina to World Cup glory. It was for many the perfect fairytale ending to a tournament which thrilled well over a billion fans around the world. So good perhaps that many forgot it bookended the most controversial World Cup in history. https://bs2clear-darknet.com blacksprut2rprrt3aoigwh7zftiprzqyqynzz2eiimmwmykw7wkpyad.onion Rewind to the start of the tournament and the talk was all about matters off the field: from workers’ rights to the treatment of the LGBTQ community. Just hours before the opening match FIFA President Gianni Infantino launched into a near hour-long tirade to hundreds of journalists at a press conference in Doha where he accused Western critics of hypocrisy and racism. “Reform and change takes time. It took hundreds of years in our countries in Europe. It takes time everywhere the only way to get results is by engaging not by shouting” said Infantino. At one point the FIFA president challenged the room of journalists stressing FIFA will protect the legacy for migrant workers that it set out with the Qatar authorities. “I’ll be back we’ll be here to check don’t worry because you will be gone” he said. So a year on from the World Cup final what is the legacy of the 2022 World Cup?

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Scientists have solved the mystery of a 650-foot mega-tsunami that made the Earth vibrate for 9 days <a href=https://kraken2trfqodidvlh4aa337cpzfrhdlfldhve5nf7njhumwr7insta.cc>kraken4qzqnoi7ogpzpzwrxk7mw53n5i56loydwiyonu4owxsh4g67yd</a> It started with a melting glacier that set off a huge landslide, which triggered a 650-foot high mega-tsunami in Greenland last September. Then came something inexplicable: a mysterious vibration that shook the planet for nine days. Over the past year, dozens of scientists across the world have been trying to figure out what this signal was. Now they have an answer, according to a new study in the journal Science, and it provides yet another warning that the Arctic is entering “uncharted waters” as humans push global temperatures ever upwards. https://kraken2trfqodidvlh4aa337cpzfrhdlfldhve5nf7njhumwr7insta.cc kraken4qzqnoi7ogpzpzwrxk7mw53n5i56loydwiyonu4owxsh4g67yd onion Some seismologists thought their instruments were broken when they started picking up vibrations through the ground back in September, said Stephen Hicks, a study co-author and a seismologist at University College London. It wasn’t the rich orchestra of high pitches and rumbles you might expect with an earthquake, but more of a monotonous hum, he told CNN. Earthquake signals tend to last for minutes; this one lasted for nine days. He was baffled, it was “completely unprecedented,” he said. Seismologists traced the signal to eastern Greenland, but couldn’t pin down a specific location. So they contacted colleagues in Denmark, who had received reports of a landslide-triggered tsunami in a remote part of the region called Dickson Fjord. The result was a nearly year-long collaboration between 68 scientists across 15 countries, who combed through seismic, satellite and on-the-ground data, as well as simulations of tsunami waves to solve the puzzle.

The world’s best pizza for 2024 isn’t in Naples – or even in Italy. Here’s where it is … <a href=https://kraken2trfqodidvlh4aa337cpzfrhdlfldhve5nf7njhumwr7insta.cc>kraken6gf6o4rxewycqwjgfchzgxyfeoj5xafqbfm4vgvyaig2vmxvyd</a> Many New Yorkers will gladly tell anyone who’ll listen – and even those who won’t – about how they have the best pizza. And now they’ve got some mouth-watering new back-up for their long-standing culinary claims. This week, the Italy-based 50 Top Pizza Awards came out with its 2024 worldwide list, and a Lower East Side restaurant came out on top. Una Pizza Napoletana, opened by pizza maestro Anthony Mangieri in March 2022, not only beat out US competitors but also global ones. That includes pizzerias in Naples, Italy, the holy land for pizza aficionados and foodies in general. “It’s inspiring to be recognized for this 30 years into my career, especially in Naples where pizza originated,” Mangieri said in an email to CNN Travel on Thursday. https://kraken2trfqodidvlh4aa337cpzfrhdlfldhve5nf7njhumwr7insta.cc kraken3yvbvzmhytnrnuhsy772i6dfobofu652e27f5hx6y5cpj7rgyd onion Adding to their bragging rights, New Yorkers saw three other pizzerias make the 2024 list, which included 101 restaurants in total (despite the “50” in the name of the awards). The rankings for the other New York pizzerias were Ribalta at No. 19, Don Antonio at No. 30 and L’industrie Pizzeria at No. 80. Italy still managed to dominate the overall list with 41 eateries while the United States got a total of 15 places recognized. And Naples managed to best New York with five entries on the list, including a tie for the No. 2 spot with Diego Vigtaliano Pizzeria. Showing how truly global the awards are, nations not exactly known for their pizza scenes –South Korea, Bolivia and India, to name three ­– were represented on the list.


A year on from Qatar 2022, what’s the legacy of a World Cup like no other? [url=https://bs2tsite1.info]blacksprut com[/url] The 2022 World Cup final will go down as one of the most exciting, dramatic and memorable matches in the history of the game. It was the scene of Lionel Messi’s greatest moment on a soccer pitch, in which he cemented his legacy as the best player of his generation after finally guiding Argentina to World Cup glory. It was, for many, the perfect, fairytale ending to a tournament which thrilled well over a billion fans around the world. So good, perhaps, that many forgot it bookended the most controversial World Cup in history. https://blacksprut2clear.net блэкспрут даркнет Rewind to the start of the tournament and the talk was all about matters off the field: from workers’ rights to the treatment of the LGBTQ+ community. Just hours before the opening match, FIFA President Gianni Infantino launched into a near hour-long tirade to hundreds of journalists at a press conference in Doha, where he accused Western critics of hypocrisy and racism. “Reform and change takes time. It took hundreds of years in our countries in Europe. It takes time everywhere, the only way to get results is by engaging […] not by shouting,” said Infantino. At one point, the FIFA president challenged the room of journalists, stressing FIFA will protect the legacy for migrant workers that it set out with the Qatar authorities. “I’ll be back, we’ll be here to check, don’t worry, because you will be gone,” he said. So, a year on from the World Cup final, what is the legacy of the 2022 World Cup?

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The world’s best pizza for 2024 isn’t in Naples – or even in Italy. Here’s where it is … <a href=https://kraken2trfqodidvlh4aa337cpzfrhdlfldhve5nf7njhumwr7insta.cc>kraken onion</a> Many New Yorkers will gladly tell anyone who’ll listen – and even those who won’t – about how they have the best pizza. And now they’ve got some mouth-watering new back-up for their long-standing culinary claims. This week, the Italy-based 50 Top Pizza Awards came out with its 2024 worldwide list, and a Lower East Side restaurant came out on top. Una Pizza Napoletana, opened by pizza maestro Anthony Mangieri in March 2022, not only beat out US competitors but also global ones. That includes pizzerias in Naples, Italy, the holy land for pizza aficionados and foodies in general. “It’s inspiring to be recognized for this 30 years into my career, especially in Naples where pizza originated,” Mangieri said in an email to CNN Travel on Thursday. https://kraken2trfqodidvlh4aa337cpzfrhdlfldhve5nf7njhumwr7insta.cc kraken5af44k24fwzohe6fvqfgxfsee4lgydb3ayzkfhlzqhuwlo33ad Adding to their bragging rights, New Yorkers saw three other pizzerias make the 2024 list, which included 101 restaurants in total (despite the “50” in the name of the awards). The rankings for the other New York pizzerias were Ribalta at No. 19, Don Antonio at No. 30 and L’industrie Pizzeria at No. 80. Italy still managed to dominate the overall list with 41 eateries while the United States got a total of 15 places recognized. And Naples managed to best New York with five entries on the list, including a tie for the No. 2 spot with Diego Vigtaliano Pizzeria. Showing how truly global the awards are, nations not exactly known for their pizza scenes –South Korea, Bolivia and India, to name three ­– were represented on the list.

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независимая экспертиза экспертиза залитой квартиры затопил соседей независимая экспертиза экспертиза после потопа квартиры экспертиза потопа квартиры залили квартиру при тушении пожара пожарные залили нижнюю квартиру пожарные залили нижнюю квартиру ущерб залили квартиру как возместить ущерб соседи залили квартиру как возместить ущерб затопили квартиру возместили ущерб соседям затопили соседей снизу возмещение ущерба затопили соседи как рассчитать ущерб затопили соседи взыскать ущерб затопили соседи моральный ущерб затопили соседи сверху как взыскать ущерб квартиранты затопили соседей кто возместит ущерб соседи затопили как возместить ущерб ущерб если затопили соседей снизу возмещение ущерба при потопе квартиры ущерб от потопа квартиры соседей нет дома затапливают квартиру затапливает квартиру затапливает квартиру что делать затапливают квартиру водой затапливают квартиру прорвало трубу прорвало стояк затопили соседей прорвало стояк затопили соседей кто виноват прорвало стояк затопили соседей что делать протек стояк затопили соседей кто виноват залил квартиру снизу что делать залил квартиру соседей снизу что делать залила квартиру соседей снизу что делать если затопил соседей снизу затопил соседа снизу как не платить затопил соседей снизу какой что делать затопил соседей снизу какой порядок действий затопила соседей снизу сколько платить затопили соседей снизу затопили соседей снизу но у нас сухо затопили соседей снизу что делать кто виноват затопили соседей снизу возмещение затопило соседей снизу что делать дальше немного затопил соседей снизу что делать сосед сверху затопил квартиру залили квартиру соседи сверху мои действия залили квартиру соседи сверху что делать залило квартиру сверху что делать залита водой квартира сверху залита квартира сверху соседи сверху залили квартиру соседи сверху залили квартиру куда обращаться как действовать если затопили соседи сверху кого вызывать если затопили соседи сверху что делать если затапливают соседи сверху что делать если затопили соседи сверху что делать если затопили соседи сверху какие что делать затопили соседи сверху какие действия действия затопил сосед сверху затапливает сосед сверху затопили соседи сверху затопили соседи сверху как взыскать затопили соседи сверху как взыскать деньги затопили соседи сверху что делать куда затопили соседи сверху что делать куда обращаться затопили соседи сверху ванной затопили туалет соседи сверху затопило квартиру по вине соседей сверху куда жаловаться если затопили соседи сверху куда жаловаться затапливают соседи сверху обращаться затопили соседи сверху порядок действий если затопили соседи сверху постоянно затапливают соседи сверху что делать сосед затопил сверху что делать по закону соседи сверху затапливают куда обращаться затопили квартиру сверху затопило квартиру сверху что делать затапливают квартиру соседи что делать если соседи постоянно затапливают затапливают соседи затапливают соседи что делать затапливают соседи куда обращаться что делать если затопили соседи соседи затапливают балкон соседи затапливают квартиру что делать соседи затопили квартиру соседи затопили квартиру что делать затопили соседи затопили соседи как себя вести затопили соседи как доказать затопили соседи как оформить затопили соседи кому звонить затопили соседи на 2 этажа выше затопили соседи не хотят платить затопили соседи что делать пошаговая затопили соседи что делать пошаговая инструкция затопили соседи вода в натяжном потолке затопили соседи вызывать полицию затопили соседи действия затопили соседи какие действия затопили соседи куда затопили соседи куда жаловаться затопили соседи ламинат затопили соседи ночью затопили соседи отказываются платить затопили соседи последствия затопили соседи ремонт затопили соседи сбоку затопили соседи сразу затопили соседи срок давности затопило квартиру соседями с верхнего этажа порядок действий если затопили соседи сосед затопил квартиру и не хочет платить сосед затопляет участковый соседи затопили балкон соседи затопили квартиру и отказываются оплатить соседи затопили отключили воду соседи затопили потолок соседи немного затопили что делать умерший затопил соседей затопили квартиру куда обращаться затопило квартиру затопило квартиру кто виноват затопило квартиру по вине затопило квартиру что делать затопило квартиру водой затопило квартиру москва сосед затопил квартиру куда обращаться затопил сосед горячей водой затопил соседей что грозит затопил соседей сколько платить затопили соседей как действовать затопили соседей что делать куда обращаться затопили соседей стяжкой затопили технику соседей кот открыл кран и затопил соседей куда обращаться если затопили соседи лопнул шланг затопили соседей лопнула батарея затопили соседей кто виноват лопнула гибкая подводка затопили соседей лопнула гибкая подводка затопили соседей кто виноват лопнула подводка затопил соседей муниципальная квартира затопила соседей потекла батарея затопили соседей прорвало трубу затопили соседей прорвало шланг затопили соседей прорвет затопите соседей протек счетчик воды затопил соседей чья вина ребенок затопил соседей сорвало кран затопили соседей кто виноват соседи говорят что их затопили холодильник затопили соседи кот затопил квартиру прорвало трубу в квартире затопили соседей прорвало трубу затопило квартиру квартирант затопил соседей кто отвечает квартирант затопил соседей кто платит квартиранты затопили соседей что делать наниматель затопил соседей квартиранты затопили соседей снизу кто квартиранты затопили соседей снизу кто платит квартиранты затопили соседей снизу что делать рабочие затопили соседей снимаю квартиру затопили соседи арендатор затопил соседей кто возмещает ущерб затопили соседей квартира съемная квартиросъемщик затопил соседей квартиросъемщик залил вашу квартиру и умер арендаторы затопили соседей кто будет платить жильцы затопили соседей затопили ванну соседи сверху соседи сверху затопили ванную комнату соседи затопили ванну соседи затопили ванную что делать соседи затопили ванную комнату затопили соседи сверху квартира застрахована квартира застрахована затопили соседи сверху что делать затопили соседи страховой случай затопили соседей какая страховка затопила соседей квартиры застрахованы залили застрахованную квартиру что делать залили застрахованную квартиру соседей залита застрахованная квартира затопило застрахованную квартиру затопили соседи сверху составить акт соседи затопили что делать составлен акт протечки иск залили квартиру исковое заявление залили квартиру затопили соседи иск затопили соседи исковое залило квартиру акт претензия залили квартиру претензия соседям затопившим квартиру квартира в ипотеке затопили соседи залили квартиру ипотека соседи затопили ипотечную квартиру если залил квартиру соседу залили квартиру что делать виновнику сосед залил квартиру что делать сосед залил квартиру куда обратиться соседи залили квартиру как возместить соседи залили квартиру что делать куда обращаться соседи залили квартиру порядок действий если залили квартиру что делать если соседи залили квартиру к кому обращаться залили водой квартиру что делать залили квартиру залили квартиру кто виноват залили квартиру что делать куда обращаться залили квартиру что делать пострадавшему залили квартиру горячей водой залили квартиру кипятком залили квартиру москва залили квартиру порядок действий залили муниципальную квартиру залило пол в квартире что делать залило проводку в квартире залило стены в квартире квартиру залило водой квартиру залило через канализация затопила квартиру квартиру залило говном заливает квартиру канализацией затапливают квартиру канализацией к кому обращаться если затопили соседи кто должен платить если затопили соседей при заливке пола затопили соседей аквариум затопил соседей верхний этаж затопили соседей виноватый затоплять сосед заливали пол затопили соседей затапливаю соседей в туалете затопил квартиру соседей какая ответственность компенсация ущерба от залива исковое заявление о компенсации залива 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Why a rare image of one of Malaysia’s last tigers is giving conservationists hope MEGA сайт Emmanuel Rondeau has photographed tigers across Asia for the past decade from the remotest recesses of Siberia to the pristine valleys of Bhutan. But when he set out to photograph the tigers in the ancient rainforests of Malaysia he had his doubts. “We were really not sure that this was going to work” says the French wildlife photographer. That’s because the country has just 150 tigers left hidden across tens of thousands of square kilometers of dense rainforest. https://me3ga-gl.net m3ga.gl “Tiger numbers in Malaysia have been going down down down at an alarming rate” says Rondeau. In the 1950s Malaysia had around 3000 tigers but a combination of habitat loss a decline in prey and poaching decimated the population. By 2010 there were just 500 left according to WWF and the number has continued to fall. The Malayan tiger is a subspecies native to Peninsular Malaysia and it’s the smallest of the tiger subspecies in Southeast Asia. “We are in this moment where if things suddenly go bad in five years the Malayan tiger could be a figure of the past and it goes into the history books” Rondeau adds. Determined not to let that happen Rondeau joined forces with WWF-Malaysia last year to profile the elusive big cat and put a face to the nation’s conservation work. It took 12 weeks of preparations eight cameras 300 pounds of equipment five months of patient photography and countless miles trekked through the 117500-hectare Royal Belum State Park… but finally in November Rondeau got the shot that he hopes can inspire the next generation of conservationists. https://mega555darknet9.com mega555kf7lsmb54yd6etzginolhxxi4ytdoma2rf77ngq55fhfcnyid “This image is the last image of the Malayan tiger — or it’s the first image of the return of the Malayan tiger” he says.

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Medical staff on the front line of the battle against mpox in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have told the BBC they are desperate for vaccines to arrive so they can stem the rate of new infections. [url=https://2bs.so]зеркала блэк СЃРїСЂСѓС‚[/url] At a treatment centre in South Kivu province that the BBC visited in the epicentre of the outbreak, they say more patients are arriving every day - especially babies - and there is a shortage of essential equipment. СЃРїСЂСѓС‚ onion https://blacksprutbs2best.com Mpox - formerly known as monkeypox - is a highly contagious disease and has killed at least 635 people in DR Congo this year. Even though 200,000 vaccines, donated by the European Commission, were flown into the capital, Kinshasa, last week, they are yet to be transported across this vast country - and it could be several weeks before they reach South Kivu. “We've learned from social media that the vaccine is already available,” Emmanuel Fikiri, a nurse working at the clinic that has been turned into a specialist centre to tackle the virus, told the BBC. He said this was the first time he had treated patients with mpox and every day he feared catching it and passing it on to his own children - aged seven, five and one. “You saw how I touched the patients because that's my job as a nurse. So, we're asking the government to help us by first giving us the vaccines.” The reason it will take time to transport the vaccines is that they need to be stored at a precise temperature - below freezing - to maintain their potency, plus they need to be sent to rural areas of South Kivu, like Kamituga, Kavumu and Lwiro, where the outbreak is rife. The lack of infrastructure and bad roads mean that helicopters could possibly be used to drop some of the vaccines, which will further drive up costs in a country that is already struggling financially. At the community clinic, Dr Pacifique Karanzo appeared fatigued and downbeat having been rushed off his feet all morning. Although he wore a face shield, I could see the sweat running down his face. He said he was saddened to see patients sharing beds. “You will even see that the patients are sleeping on the floor,” he told me, clearly exasperated. “The only support we have already had is a little medicine for the patients and water. As far as other challenges are concerned, there's still no staff motivation.” [url=https://bls2web.net]блэк СЃРїСЂСѓС‚[/url]

A year on from Qatar 2022, what’s the legacy of a World Cup like no other? [url=https://bs2web-at.net]bs2shop.gl[/url] The 2022 World Cup final will go down as one of the most exciting, dramatic and memorable matches in the history of the game. It was the scene of Lionel Messi’s greatest moment on a soccer pitch, in which he cemented his legacy as the best player of his generation after finally guiding Argentina to World Cup glory. It was, for many, the perfect, fairytale ending to a tournament which thrilled well over a billion fans around the world. So good, perhaps, that many forgot it bookended the most controversial World Cup in history. https://bs-ssilka.com blacksprut2rprrt3aoigwh7zftiprzqyqynzz2eiimmwmykw7wkpyad.onion Rewind to the start of the tournament and the talk was all about matters off the field: from workers’ rights to the treatment of the LGBTQ+ community. Just hours before the opening match, FIFA President Gianni Infantino launched into a near hour-long tirade to hundreds of journalists at a press conference in Doha, where he accused Western critics of hypocrisy and racism. “Reform and change takes time. It took hundreds of years in our countries in Europe. It takes time everywhere, the only way to get results is by engaging […] not by shouting,” said Infantino. At one point, the FIFA president challenged the room of journalists, stressing FIFA will protect the legacy for migrant workers that it set out with the Qatar authorities. “I’ll be back, we’ll be here to check, don’t worry, because you will be gone,” he said. So, a year on from the World Cup final, what is the legacy of the 2022 World Cup?

Medical staff on the front line of the battle against mpox in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have told the BBC they are desperate for vaccines to arrive so they can stem the rate of new infections. блэк СЃРїСЂСѓС‚ At a treatment centre in South Kivu province that the BBC visited in the epicentre of the outbreak they say more patients are arriving every day - especially babies - and there is a shortage of essential equipment. btrhbfeojofxcpxuwnsp5h7h22htohw4btqegnxatocbkgdlfiawhyid.onion https://blacksprut2web.org Mpox - formerly known as monkeypox - is a highly contagious disease and has killed at least 635 people in DR Congo this year. Even though 200000 vaccines donated by the European Commission were flown into the capital Kinshasa last week they are yet to be transported across this vast country - and it could be several weeks before they reach South Kivu. “Weve learned from social media that the vaccine is already available” Emmanuel Fikiri a nurse working at the clinic that has been turned into a specialist centre to tackle the virus told the BBC. He said this was the first time he had treated patients with mpox and every day he feared catching it and passing it on to his own children - aged seven five and one. “You saw how I touched the patients because thats my job as a nurse. So were asking the government to help us by first giving us the vaccines.” The reason it will take time to transport the vaccines is that they need to be stored at a precise temperature - below freezing - to maintain their potency plus they need to be sent to rural areas of South Kivu like Kamituga Kavumu and Lwiro where the outbreak is rife. The lack of infrastructure and bad roads mean that helicopters could possibly be used to drop some of the vaccines which will further drive up costs in a country that is already struggling financially. At the community clinic Dr Pacifique Karanzo appeared fatigued and downbeat having been rushed off his feet all morning. Although he wore a face shield I could see the sweat running down his face. He said he was saddened to see patients sharing beds. “You will even see that the patients are sleeping on the floor” he told me clearly exasperated. “The only support we have already had is a little medicine for the patients and water. As far as other challenges are concerned theres still no staff motivation.” блэкспрут даркнет

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Medical staff on the front line of the battle against mpox in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have told the BBC they are desperate for vaccines to arrive so they can stem the rate of new infections. bs2site2.at At a treatment centre in South Kivu province that the BBC visited in the epicentre of the outbreak they say more patients are arriving every day - especially babies - and there is a shortage of essential equipment. блэк СЃРїСЂСѓС‚ официальный сайт https://www-bs2best.at Mpox - formerly known as monkeypox - is a highly contagious disease and has killed at least 635 people in DR Congo this year. Even though 200000 vaccines donated by the European Commission were flown into the capital Kinshasa last week they are yet to be transported across this vast country - and it could be several weeks before they reach South Kivu. “Weve learned from social media that the vaccine is already available” Emmanuel Fikiri a nurse working at the clinic that has been turned into a specialist centre to tackle the virus told the BBC. He said this was the first time he had treated patients with mpox and every day he feared catching it and passing it on to his own children - aged seven five and one. “You saw how I touched the patients because thats my job as a nurse. So were asking the government to help us by first giving us the vaccines.” The reason it will take time to transport the vaccines is that they need to be stored at a precise temperature - below freezing - to maintain their potency plus they need to be sent to rural areas of South Kivu like Kamituga Kavumu and Lwiro where the outbreak is rife. The lack of infrastructure and bad roads mean that helicopters could possibly be used to drop some of the vaccines which will further drive up costs in a country that is already struggling financially. At the community clinic Dr Pacifique Karanzo appeared fatigued and downbeat having been rushed off his feet all morning. Although he wore a face shield I could see the sweat running down his face. He said he was saddened to see patients sharing beds. “You will even see that the patients are sleeping on the floor” he told me clearly exasperated. “The only support we have already had is a little medicine for the patients and water. As far as other challenges are concerned theres still no staff motivation.” блэк СЃРїСЂСѓС‚ ссылка

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